International Ministries

Let's Have Fun

November 1, 2013 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry,

Greetings from a cooler Ban Luang.  Last night we actually used a blanket. 

Games people play

Sometimes we feel that our house churches are missing out because they are small.  But then we realize we probably have a lot more fun.  Not only do we get to eat together, but we get to play games.  When was the last time you got to play with balloons in church when everyone was over forty?

We blew up balloons and put them behind our backs standing against a wall and then tried to sit down.  Doable but not easy.  Then we put the balloons between two people’s backs and had them sit down on the floor and stand up again—no hands!  Again doable but coordination and cooperation required.  A great way to get into a Bible study on being single or married from 1 Corinthians 7.

Other games have been large homemade board games where you lose ground for stopping and helping others and another using dice to collect or lose treasure.  We even set up bowling pins one night (missing the mark).

Some nights it is just a discussion, but a discussion around famous people you would like to meet and questions you might ask them. This was both fun and lively.  All these things help get people interacting and ready to get into some deep, meaningful Bible studies. 

Church is fun and this is good, because we were told a number of years ago that according to the Thai psyche, “If it isn’t fun, it isn’t worth doing.”

Looking to the future

As we plan for the future, the leadership training sessions are really important.  At this time we are happier with the way both the sessions and the leaders are developing in their ability to teach and lead.  We are also hoping to go to a seminar this month that will help us train story tellers. This can be important when people are not very literate and cannot really explore the scriptures on their own.  The programs on the MP3 players can give them an overview of the scriptures, but when we teach individual topics we need to bring out a story to tell the point.  Unfortunately the seminar is in English, so we can’t take anyone local with us.

Again we want to say thank you for your partnership.  We hope and pray that as you travel with Jesus there are times you get to have fun.

As always,

Jan and Larry

Team work at its best.

                             ·         Anna traps the rats,

                             ·         Jan kills the rats

                             ·         Larry buries the rats

Prayer points

November Dates

House church meetings

Monday, Friday, & Saturday evenings

Leadership training, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays