International Ministries

Eye Clinic Doctor for Haiti (Vocational Opportunity)

June 20, 2016 Opportunity
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International Ministries seeks an Opthamologist to serve in Haiti at the Cap-Haitien Eye Clinic, a ministry of the Haitian Baptist Convention. This doctor would be responsible for patient examinations, surgeries, and prescribing medications in the clinic as well as in monthly or bi-weekly field visits to outlying villages, churches, and homes. He/she would supervise nursing student/interns and help clinic personnel develop competencies and sharpen skills. His/her leadership of the eye clinic ministry would involve the modeling and teaching of Christian and professional ethics to staff, as well as using his/her knowledge and contacts to help the clinic secure medications and equipment


To express your interest in this opportunity, please fill out our Questionnaire for Career Mission Candidates and submit that by email to

For more information, write to or call 1-800-222-3872, extension 2245.