International Ministries

Coming together in unity

February 19, 2008 Journal

How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in unity! Psalm 133:1

On Jan. 15, 2008 over 10,000 members of the Telegu Baptist churches gathered together to celebrate the healing and reconciliation of some historical divisions within their body of believers. I had the privilege of participating in the events of the day, along with Ben Chan, the India and East Asia Director for International Ministries, to add our support and encouragement. The day started with prayer at 5:30 am and continued throughout the day with worship and preaching. We returned to our guest rooms at 11 pm that night, encouraged ourselves by the hope and witness of the Telegu leaders.

I have been reassigned in my service through International Ministries in India, taking up the role of Country Director of India Mission. I am overseeing the relief and development work, and giving support and encouragement to Baptist partners of the country. IM relates to 11 Baptist conventions and councils in India, which represent 2 million baptized members. There is much to be learned about the history of American Baptist work in India and how that is being carried on now by our Indian brothers and sisters.

As I have started to serve in the role I have become much more aware of the strong opposition that many of the Baptist churches and leaders face as they faithfully serve Jesus. Intimidation and violence are tools used by the enemy to discourage believers and stop ministries of service and worship. On Christmas Day a number of Baptist churches in the state of Orissa were attacked during their Christmas service, causing injury to pastors and church members and damage to church buildings. The churches of Orissa need your prayers as they continue to face persecution.

We face many challenges to the unity that God calls us as believers. Other prayer requests we have are:

* Pray for the unity of the Church that meets at Kodaikanal International School -- it tries to meet the needs of members from more than 15 different denominational traditions and a predominantly student congregation.

* Pray for the unity of our family to withstand the strains of work challenges, physical separation from travel and children moving on to college, and other needs.

* Pray for safety and protection for David when he travels.

* Pray for wisdom and endurance for Betsy as she continues to serve as the Dean of Students at Kodaikanal International School, responsible for more than 400 students who live in the 17 dormitories of KIS.

* Pray for Kara, our youngest daughter, who attends KIS in grade 11 and is starting to look ahead to new challenges next year and to college choices.

* Pray for our daughters Lisa and Anna, who attend universities in the US and stay in touch with us by various internet connections.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5