International Ministries

Servant Leaders Imitate Jesus

February 4, 2014 Journal
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More than 130 leaders gathered at the Igreja Batista Renovada (Renewed Baptist Church) in late January in Maceió (on the Atlantic coast) to take part in a leadership training course: “Servant Leadership: Be a Leader According to God’s Heart.” This is a program we developed as Coordinators of the Dept. of Leadership and Ministry Development of the National Baptist Convention of Brazil (SEDELIM-CBN).

Equipping servant leaders

After a time of praise and worship Friday evening, we conducted an interactive Bible study on the profile and role of a servant leader according to the model of Jesus. Saturday, participants returned to deepen their knowledge in practical skills such as visioning, planning, delegation and care of team members. All of this was done in a tin-roofed hall with fans whirring to disperse the 102º heat!

We were honored to be invited by the Executive Secretary and Board of the Alagoas state convention (CBN/AL). What really impressed us was the enthusiasm and commitment of all the participants. CBN/AL is the newest state convention (only a year and a half old), and the fact that so many people participated from almost all of its churches speaks volumes about its current leadership under Pr. André Pessoa.

In the late afternoon on Saturday the participants happily received their certificate of participation. Many returned to their churches saying they will put into practice the principles and techniques they learned in servant leadership, not only in their churches but also in their secular lives.

Sad family news

We had a wonderful time of fellowship with many of the state leaders on Saturday night, and then on Sunday morning traveled 80 km to the church pastored by the president of the state convention in União dos Palmares. It was while preparing to preach the message at the church’s evening service that Ann received the news that her father was not doing well.

Our hosts took wonderful care of us, and thanks to their help we were able to return to Maceió late Sunday night. By God’s grace we were able to move our return flight to Brasília up a day and book Ann on a Monday evening flight to Seattle. Sadly, Ann’s brother called to say her father had passed while we were still preparing to leave.
While his passing was not unexpected, it still hits hard and is a great loss to the whole family. Ann is now in the US to be with her brother and family and help with all the necessary details and arrangements.

Thankful for the Body of Christ

As we shared with our hosts in União dos Palmares that difficult Sunday night, it is at moments like this that we remember what a gift it is to be part of the family of faith called the church. One of the hard realities of a cross-cultural missionary’s life is that at times of crisis and loss in our families of origin it becomes painfully clear just how far away we really are – in spite of Skype, email and the availability of 19 hr. flights. Yet we found sisters and brothers in Alagoas state who adopted us into their families and cared for us emotionally and physically immediately upon hearing Ann’s news. Being part of the world-wide Body of Christ is far more than just a theological concept!

We are grateful that you are part of that extended family as well, and thank God for all you do to support us as we build up the Body here in Brazil.

Pela graça do Senhor (by the grace of the Lord),

Bruce and Ann