International Ministries

In loving memory of Rev. Martin Rolfs Massaglia

February 13, 2014 Journal
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In loving memory of Pastor Martin: June 3rd, 1953 - February 6th, 2014

       One of the greatest things about being a missionary is that we have the opportunity to meet and get to know so many amazing, dedicated and committed people who have all come together over the years to serve thousands of people in remote rural areas of Nicaragua with basic health care and community development through AMOS. One of those amazing people was Rev. Dr. Martin Rolfs Massaglia.

     Martin was one of our best friends, our pastor and our missionary partnership team co-convener. When we first started having to help towards raising our own support, Martin was one of the first to step up and help take leadership for our missionary partnership team. He encouraged us and advocated for us – and made us feel like anything was possible with God’s help. He was one of our greatest heroes.

     He had a huge heart, incredible kindness, a deep vision for serving the poor, and just through his everyday being -- a bright testimony of Christ's love for all of us. He came on mission trips almost every year to Nicaragua with AMOS, and worked side by side with the people in the rural villages and also with the FBC of Managua. Martin made an incredible impact sharing hope, encouragement and love wherever he went. 

     Martin also always shared how much he loved his family with all of us, and that was what was so amazing about Martin -- you knew that he had a whole world of love around him and coming from him. That he was a humble person doing extraordinary things for his family, his church, his community and his friends. Our heart goes out to his whole family, and all of us who have lost Martin -- our friend and our pastor.

    We thank God for the wonderful gift of Martin´s life and the blessing and privilege we had to have walked and worked alongside him, inspired by his example of love, humility and service.

"Martin, you will always be a part of our family. You were always there for us with an encouraging message, a hug, a kind word, a chat in a rocking chair, lots of love, and happy times. You worked alongside us and understood the meaning of standing together in partnership and the hope of making this world a better place. God know all that you have done for all of us here in Nicaragua. Now we send all our love, prayers and encouragement to your family and friends. May your light and love continue on in all our hearts."