International Ministries

Working together: political and spiritual coalitions

March 2, 2014 Journal
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On Sunday, February 2, Costa Rica celebrated presidential elections.  It was a very colorful day since each political party has it´s own distinctive flag.  Their followers waved them all day -- some were on foot, on bikes, motorcycles and cars.  There was a lot of horn honking and chanting.  What a noisy and interesting day!

However, we don´t have a president yet!  Rather, there will be a second round of elections on Sunday, April 6th   between the top two candidates from the first round, since no candidate received the mandated 40% of the vote.  Johnny Araya's PLN party(green and white flags) and Luis Guillermo Solís PAC party (red and yellow flags) will be the presidential candidates, each receiving about 30% of the votes.  In the meantime, they are trying to put together coalitions (parties that will work together) in order to get a majority.  It will help them win the vote, but also get legislation through Congress.

What does the Costa Rican presidential election have to do with ministry?  Nothing directly!  (Aren´t you relieved?)

But political coalitions are a metaphor for how ministry can work as well.  In the fall, the Pastoral Care for Women ministry received the news that they would no longer receive funds to rent their own office (a house used for hosting groups, classrooms, counseling and work) due to low donations.  It felt like this 15-year old ministry was moving backwards.    

However, we have a great God.  The leadership of Pastoral Care for Women presented their need to the Baptist Federation, in the hopes that they would at least allow them to use classroom space at their building.  Instead, the Baptist Federation graciously extended a generous offer: use of the classrooms AND a small office for a minimal contribution.  We can continue to offer counseling, classes and coordinate the ministry from an office!

As God´s followers we are privileged to work together on God´s team, a spiritual coalition as it were.  Unfortunately this doesn't always happen, but we are truly grateful that it did in this case.  (This also helps me since I work with both the Baptist Federation and Pastoral Care for Women!)

Pastoral Care for Women has just finished moving into their new space.  It meant clearing out furniture and old files, getting rid of non-essential items, which sometimes can be painful (and certainly tiring).  Yet it can also be a freeing experience.   It allows us to get a new start, open our eyes for a new vision for ministry, to work with new partners.  We are trusting God to use this experience for good and for His glory.