International Ministries

Return to Burma

March 13, 2014 Journal
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                What a privilege it was to head to Myanmar (Burma) in December to attend the 200th anniversary of Adoniram Judson’s arrival there!   It was made even more special by the presence of my mom, Rosemary Gilson, one of only a few missionaries left from the 1960’s.  After 1966, missionaries were no longer officially allowed to live and serve there.

                It was so meaningful to spend this time together, seeing the sites of Judson’s early ministry in Mandalay, visiting my old homes in Yangon (Rangoon), and to meet up with many of my folks’ friends and ministry partners from years past.  But, in addition to these experiences, we also had the opportunity of joining over 35,000 others who attended the anniversary celebration held at the Karen Seminary in Yangon.  There were 18 associations in attendance, representing  a number of different Baptist Conventions, including  Akha, Kachin, Chin, Burmese, Karen, Lahu,  and Lisu.  It was incredible to be present with this throng of people, gathered to celebrate the bringing of the gospel to Myanmar, and to recognize how in 200 years, God’s Word has brought the possibility of new life to a multitude of tribes, tongues and nations. What a joy to be surrounded by the sounds of “How Great Thou Art” in so many languages… a foretaste of Heaven!