International Ministries

Conference Center Developer - Mozambique (Vocational Opportunity)

September 10, 2014 Opportunity
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The Baptist Convention of Mozambique seeks a person with an MBA and/or experience in business administration to work alongside pastors and leaders in the establishment, development and management of a Multi-Function Conference Center. The planned facility will provide meeting facilities and accommodations for leadership training events and conferences and other ministry programs as well as a health center. This person will work with leaders of the convention to raise funds for the building of the center and work with the management team of the convention to implement a plan to enable the facility to generate sufficient income to provide for its maintenance and payroll for employees. Knowledge of Portuguese as well as English (or willingness to learn Portuguese) will be required. 


To express your interest in this opportunity, please fill out our Questionnaire for Career Mission Candidates and submit that by email to

For more information, write to or call 1-800-222-3872, extension 2245.