International Ministries

Transitions for MKs

July 16, 2003 Journal
Ellen Brown, MK Care and Concern

This is a critical time of year for the families and MKs (Missionary Kids) of our American Baptist International Ministries. During the summer months each year, many missionary families are in the middle of transition.There are some who are leaving and returning to the field after spending the past year here in the U.S.Although they are going back to a familiar place and which most MKs would call "home", there is still some readjustment to go through.

During this same time, missionary families are leaving the field and arriving for their one year U.S./Puerto Rico assignment.This is an even greater adjustment since most have been gone four or more years.And four years for a kid is a long time!They will definitely experience culture shock as they re-enter American life.Making friends, going to a new (and probably much bigger) school, finding a church home, trying to understand the non-verbal and assumed rules of the American culture are all part of this major transition in their lives.

We also have new missionaries being commissioned at Green Lake in this summer who will be leaving for the field over the next few months.There are four new MKs ranging from age 5 to 18 for whom life will never be the same as they embark on a life-changing journey and adventure.

I, along with an MK Leadership Team, will be conducting programming at Green Lake for the new and returning MKs during the new missionary orientation and the conference for returning missionaries.This is a time for them to connect and reconnect with one another, to share their experiences on the field, to talk about the feelings of loss at leaving family, friends and home, and to share the concerns and hopes of the coming year living in the U.S. or Puerto Rico.

Please be in prayer for all of these missionary families: those returning to the field, those on U.S./Puerto Rico assignment, and those newly commissioned leaving for the field.Pray for the MKs while they are together at Green Lake and as they prepare for re-entry into another culture that is in many ways foreign to them.Keep in mind the leaders who will be spending time with the MKs, helping them to "enjoy the journey and celebrate the adventure" (our MK theme).