International Ministries

Two Things You Can Do

March 9, 2015 Journal
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"In the beginning, God created...And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 1:1, 2:7, KJV)

Site of Future Women's Ministries Center

What you see in the photo may not look like much -- little more than dirt. But it is part of the plot of land on which the women's center in Zambia is to be established. The center is to utilize literacy programs and economic development initiatives to empower women and alleviate poverty within the context of Christian discipleship. And on this land, we expect God to do great things! As you consider the brilliance of the universe, the beauties of the earth, and the intricacies of the human body, can you imagine what the One who is able to create even "of the dust of the ground" will do on this ground? 

Imagine a woman who didn't have the opportunity to finish school coming to the center to learn how to read. Imagine that the same woman then learns skills to start a small business, through which she earns enough income to send her children to school. Imagine that the cycle of poverty is broken as people come not only to learn practical skills, but as they deepen their relationships with God.

There is a ministry in Zambia waiting to be birthed, and women in Zambia who are in need of education and skills to improve circumstances for themselves and their families. (If you haven't yet read the exciting news, you can view the journal about it here.) 

In order to begin international service, it is necessary to first have a network of prayer, relational, and financial support in place. As I endeavor to build that network, I am writing to ask you to do 2 things: help others learn about the ministry and provide me with your mailing address to receive occasional communication by postal mail.

1. If you are a Facebook user, help spread the word about the ministry via Facebook by "Liking" the Reason2Hope page and inviting your friends to "Like" it.

By "Liking" the page, sharing it on your timeline, and "Liking," commenting, & sharing the posts on the page, you help to spread the word about the ministry as others see your activity related to the page.

Here's why this is important: The more "Likes" the page receives, the more potential for people to hear about the ministry in Zambia and, consequently, the more people who may be led to support. The sooner people commit to supporting, the sooner I will be able to begin international service, and the sooner the center will be established and used by God to bring economic empowerment and spiritual growth on that plot of land.

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After "Liking" the page, be sure that "Follow"  is checked to receive posts from the page in your news feed. You can also choose to get notifications from the page by clicking the down arrow next to the "Liked" button and selecting that option.

If your church uses Facebook, please consider encouraging the church to "Like" and share from the church's page as well.

For detailed instructions on how to "Like" the page and invite friends to "Like" it, please click here.

2. Provide your mailing address by clicking here.
The majority of my communication will come via email, but, occasionally, I would like to use postal mail, such as a mailing in the near future to include new prayer cards which reflect the ministry in Zambia! You can provide your postal address through this link (additional information is optional).

I hope you're excited with me about the ministry that is to take place in Zambia! Thank you for your help in sharing news about my mission activity with others.

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