International Ministries

Keeping Easter

April 10, 2015 Journal
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As we look out the window here in Colorado, the sunny days have given way to the clouds and rain. How often do we do the same? We celebrate the resurrection of our Savior on Easter morning, and by mid-week all the worries we pushed out leading up to Easter are slowly creeping back into our lives. How do we, as followers of the resurrected Christ, keep that feeling of joy we experience on Easter fresh each of our days? The purpose of this newsletter is not to provide answers--there are many others, with better credentials, who have taken on this issue. Rather, this is written more as a reminder to us to not let the stress and worries of our lives overtake the joy we have in the risen Savior.

We have been blessed during the past few weeks to have had a break from travel and speaking engagements that usually take most of our time. We were very happy that both our boys had the same spring break, so we got to travel and spend time with them. Following this, we had two weeks of worshiping without speaking as we celebrated Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the wonderful celebration of Easter. It was a refreshing time. NOW...

Easter is over. The joy of the day has the potential to fade as our schedule takes off once again. Our Sundays are full, and each week means a car or plane trip somewhere else. Colorado. Utah. Pennsylvania. Minnesota. Kansas. Worship services. Evening programs. Conferences. Time spent with friends and supporters. All this while thinking about and planning our return to Bulgaria.

Our gaze turns outside again and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds.  The risen Son is speaking words of joy through the extraordinary and the everyday events of our lives. The tomb is empty! Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! May these be the words we speak each day.

Are you looking for a way to make a greater impact with your giving? Have you been considering becoming a supporter of our ministry through a financial gift? You can make both these happen now. Starting April 15th, International Ministries will offer donors a chance to have their gifts doubled. This is a great opportunity to have your gift make an even greater impact. It is also a great time to consider committing to support us on an ongoing basis.

 For those of you already supporting us on an ongoing basis--don’t fret because you, too, can take advantage of this opportunity. While your recurring gifts cannot be matched, any additional over-and-above gifts given during this time will be matched.

 Here are the points you need to remember: