International Ministries

New Semester at Kanto Gakuin University

September 21, 2015 Journal
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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

It has been a long time since I sent you greetings last time from Yokohama. I am sorry for being way behind in communication. I'd like to update you with my new work content, which is such a learning experience to me!

From this last April, I began teaching at Kanto Gakuin University that was founded by American Baptist Church about 130 years ago. I taught three classes so far: Christianity (the Bible) for two classes and Christianity and Modern Society for one class. In the fall, I will again teach three classes: Christianity (engineering ethics) for two classes and Christianity and Modern Thought for one class. A class's student number can be 57 to 170. In each class, though, I can find only several students who have read the Bible before. And many are not even interested in learning the Bible. On the one hand, it is exciting to take such a challenging task of teaching that requires creativity (perhaps) and many more. On the other hand, however, I must admit that it will take a long time and lots of effort (and courage) for me to become and even close to become a teacher who is competent enough for the task.

I also speak in chapel of the university several times a semester. And I continue to go to the elementary school to hold a bible class for parents who are interested. A few are Christians, and some are those who are very or somewhat interested in Christianity. The rest are people who are quite new to the Bible. I feel inadequate again for my important roles while each life in the class is so precious.     

Only by God's grace stand I barely where I am. So I truly appreciate your prayer and earnest prayer indeed for

1) Myself to grow as a person and teacher, being authentic, loving and competent.

2) Classes to be engaging and stimulating so students can be interested in and find the truth in the Bible - I am going to try a new teaching method this semester.

3) The parents of my bible class to enjoy the learning and come to know Christ.

4) All students, teachers, and workers at Kanto Gakuin to see, hear, seek and accept God who loves and saves.

5) and finally, my class preparations.

I am very grateful that even being alone here in Yokohama, I receive practical help, prayers, and encouragement from the IM family in Japan and other side of the world. Thank you so much for all your support.

Love in Christ,
