International Ministries


March 29, 2016 Journal
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Have you noticed? God often surprises us with the unexpected encounter, the unforeseen call. If only we have “eyes to see” – to recognise when God introduces us to a new person, or a new journey, or a new understanding.

We ‘bumped’ into many New Zealand Baptist colleagues during a recent visit to their national headquarters, and were inspired to learn about the range of ministries they have both at home and in SE Asia. On the same trip, we visited a community housing project for “single women over 65” sponsored by a local Baptist church. This came about because Bruce ‘bumped’ into one of the trustees at a social entrepreneurship conference. 

It is encouraging to see how God is putting the pieces in place for us to serve in Thailand, Burma, Indonesia and Vietnam in the coming 4 months through a whole series of divinely inspired ‘bumps’. We’ll keep you posted as the opportunities take shape.

Praise and Prayers

Rachael’s Reflections

BUMP is also Internet slang ("Bring Up My Post!"). When someone posts content that you like, you give it a "bump." It's another way of giving a thumbs up, or a 5-star rating. So if this update touches you in some way, give Ann & Bruce a BUMP. Send them a note, or make a gift to IM toward their support! [Rachael is Communication Coordinator for our Missionary Partnership Team]

How have you seen God at work in a recent ‘bump’ in your life? If so, we’d love to hear from you.


Ann & Bruce