International Ministries

How Do We Love Volunteers? Let us count the ways..

August 28, 2016 Journal
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We have been blessed by volunteers in many ways here in the Budapest area - how we adore thee, let us count thy ways...: 

 1) Fresh Energy (even with jet lag) - many who come help us with short term projects like:  helping with camps; painting; English Bible Study; organizing; bringing things needed from the states that aren't available here; technological support/help; taking photos; interacting with Hungarians  they are thrilled an American would be willing to get to know them!); Patchwork clubs; Men's clubs; Teen clubs;  praying for us and our language learning after finding out what we deal with each day...

2) Fresh 'Eyes' -  You help us see what we are doing here with insight and grace. Sometimes anything you can do can seem 'same-o' - we aren't any different.

3) Local Touring - A reason to show you around our lovely area - Hungary is a lovely country! 

4) Encouragement - We are happy to know someone has an interest in what we are doing and we aren't forgotten. (Europe is a forgotten mission field)

5) Connectedness to Missions - A chance to tell you stories in more depth and help you meet some of the changed lives/and or take part through your witness in helping to change a life. 5 minutes to tell about what we do is tough, but if you really get to see and live it, you completely understand and relate to the people themselves.

6) Hands on Life - We get to see you get excited about missions and doing something to help promote the kingdom of God - 'behold the fields are ripe for harvest but the workers are few' - you get to do this beside others on the field. It is a way to expand your horizons and ours.

7) Hospitality - Many times you bless our socks off as we are on home assignment - this is our chance to 'pay you back' and love on you for a bit:) 

8) Depth of Prayer - Having a chance to meet the people, see the background work, live our schedule, fumble with the language - you have a chance to pray deeper and with more enthusiasm, as well as intercede for a nation that 'now has skin on'.... this is VITAL!

9) Connectedness - God willing, you will find someone with whom you can personally connect - what a huge privilege!  (We love seeing volunteers have this opportunity)

10) Understanding - People are people, but the history has shaped us in many ways. This really is a pretty small world, but it is so much fun to see the ways that God works through it with our own personalities and gifts. We encourage you to feel more comfortable within this culture.

Read more about Carrie and Kurt Smalley’s ministry in Hungary at their blog and the IM website.

Join the Smalley’s in their ministry in Hungary:

Quilters Invited to Come Share the Gospel Through Quilting Clubs

Assist in the Summer English Camps