International Ministries

Greetings from the Far East!

December 22, 2016 Journal
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Greetings from the Far East!

A couple weeks ago I posted an update on the beginning of November, but I felt it important to provide a consistent update for anyone who might be interested in hearing about this wonderful ministry that God has provided for me here in Okinawa, Japan.

The last couple of weeks have been quite interesting with the combination of Thanksgiving, during which time I took a personal retreat, and the ramping up of activities for a Mission Trip that I will be taking in February to Saipan. Yet, in the midst of these things, the awesome work of God has been incredible to witness! He is definitely at work at OCSI, and in my classroom, and I am blessed to be able to participate in these things.

Turning first towards Thanksgiving, I was blessed to be able to use the car of a friend for a few days and take a drive to the Northern parts of the island. Being honest, I needed to just get away for a little bit of time, and have the opportunity to reground myself in the Lord before returning to work. This was of no consequence on any individual, simply a time by myself with God. Thanksgiving Day is when this took place. Driving North, I had a long drive before stopping at a great little diner for lunch. I was then able to experience a cultural center and aquarium before continuing my trek into the mountains on the Northern side of the island. This was a long, slow drive, that was needed to refocus. An interesting point to add about missions at this point is that God is as much at work in the individual that is working as He is in the hearts and minds of those being worked with. Please continue to pray for the staff and workers of OCSI as they continue to grow in their own walks with God.

My classroom has been such a blessing to me, and in all truth, I love what I am doing. Coming back from Thanksgiving break was admittedly a slow start, but seeing the faces of the kids that I work with everyday is a blessing. I have witnessed their growth not just as students but as people. Students who were opposed to God at the beginning of the year have come to a place where they inquire and ask questions. This past week was a huge step forward in this. Students who have shown themselves to be quite and reserved were raising their hands to ask deep questions about life, and how God works. Please continue to pray for the students as they are exposed to the Word of God.

This week, as mentioned, was big in activities for the Saipan Mission Trip which I have been blessed to be able to co-lead this coming February. This trip is a part of our school Missions Week, a week in which students participate in outreach to the local/international community. We have established the team, and are currently working on fundraising. This week was quite eventful in terms of this work. Included in this was a parent’s meeting, during which God orchestrated the provision of some much needed supplies. Praise His Name! Please pray for our team and the people we will interact with on this trip.

I would like to make one final prayer request before concluding. Yesterday, November 3rd, I was blessed to not only meet but also spend time with, Fabian, the father of baby Zephy. Zephy’s condition has not changed in terms of the brain activity, however, she is able with some assistance from machines to come home in the next month. Being with Fabian yesterday was such a blessing, and to be able to witness his confidence in God, and simply to interact with him (he has a great sense of humor!) was encouraging to me and those with us. Please continue to pray for him, his wife Lyndsey, and baby Zephy. God is doing an extraordinary, and miraculous work through them. Please pray for Lyndsey, Fabian and baby Zephy.  You can read about the family's journey here.

I would then conclude with my appreciation for all of the support that has been provided to me in prayer, and encouragement. I would make a final prayer request though in regards to financial support. Admittedly there is a modest salary that is provided to those who work here, but it is not sustainable in terms of any long-term plans. I have been hesitant to make such requests, but I would appreciate prayer in regards to this. Please pray that God would provide means to support this ministry, and people who would be willing to commit to assisting the work that God is doing through me here in Okinawa. Thank you all again for all that you do, and may the God who is able to meet all of your needs, keep you, until the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Blessings and Peace,

You can read all of Ryan's blogs here.