International Ministries

Changing Atmosphere

May 31, 2006 Journal


We are well past spring in Lebanon with riot of wild flowers and high grass, which is slowly turning brown. We had unusually long cold spell with abundance of rain. So the conditions are ideal for high pollen count and rash of hay fevers! Sarah has fallen victim to that. She has been suffering for a long time with allergies, which turned into a mild form of asthma. She has cut down her work hours as she just doesn't have the energy to work for long hours. Please remember her in your prayers.

Our daughter Rachel is doing well. She and her school buddies started a band, Reflections of Light. They already performed at their own school, and two others. One is a large Catholic school, called, La Saggess with over 1500 kids. The other gig was at a Protestant Evangelical school. Rachel will be completing Grade 11 this summer, and entering Grade 12 in fall. She will graduate from High School next summer, in time for our Home Assignment. We are very much in (Rachel's Band prayer about her future and the college where God would lead her. She attends a nominally Christian school in Beirut, which in the past years played down its "Christian distinctives" largely out of fear of offending the majority community. There were other issues which greatly reduced the effectiveness of the school to witness and serve effectively in this city. A couple years back a dedicated educator came as the Principle. She would tell us that some of the kids would sit in the chapel service, but cover their ears for fear of polluting their minds with Christian ideas. Gradually, some of the parents in school started weekly prayer gatherings to break the strongholds. Now, a couple of years later, the atmosphere in the school is totally transformed. The other day a mother was telling the Principal how much her children enjoyed both the education and the overall ethos of the school, and how she herself enjoys the music and messages she hears from a Christian radio station!

Seminary Life

Our Seminary will be closing after the first week of June for the summer. Graduation event is on June 3rd. There will be an International conference organized through our Seminary from June 19-21. The theme of the conference is WAGING PEACE: From East to West. A young volunteer is coming from an American Baptist Church from Ohio to attend the conference. She will be staying for 3 months to study Arabic. We pray that younger people will be challenged to study Arabic and seek to serve God in this challenging region.

Please Pray:

We sincerely thank you for your prayers, words of encouragement, greetings, and your support of our ministry. May God's special blessings be your portion!

Sarah & Dan Chetti