International Ministries

Global missionary does Christian-Muslim dialogue in Lebanon

July 10, 2008 News

Lebanon_mec_003The Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut, Lebanon, recently completed its Middle East Conference -- an event designed to foster understanding between Christians and Muslims in the Arab world, as well as foster understanding with the western world. Dan Buttry, a global consultant for peace and justice issues with American Baptist International Ministries was a keynote speaker at the event, held June 16 through 20. Dan was invited by the seminary's Institute of Middle East Studies.

Lebanon_mec_004Dan said in published reports the Institute "is doing some groundbreaking work on the relationship of Christianity and Islam. They aren't just academics sitting back and studying the subject. They are facilitating people talking to each other, interacting constructively as communities, and exploring ways to move constructively into a hopeful and peaceful future in Lebanon, as well as other Middle Eastern contexts."

Dan has worked in hotspots around the world, helping Christian leaders and non-Christian leaders learn better ways of overcoming their differences and resolving violent conflicts peacefully. He has worked in several places where there has been religious violence, such as Northeast India, the Republic of Georgia (of the former USSR) and Ethiopia.

Though Dan travels the world working for International Ministries, he is based in Hamtramck, MI., near Detroit. Dan has worked with the substantial Arab and Muslim communities in the Detroit area as well.

He is the author of several books, including the recent compilation, Interfaith Heroes, a 31-day devotional, with brief biographies on several religious peacemakers, including Baptists such as Roger Williams and Martin Luther King, Jr., along with other Protestants, Catholics, Muslims, Jews and Hindus.

American Baptist International Ministries, organized in 1814, is the oldest Baptist mission agency formed in North America.  We serve more than 2,500 short-term and long-term missionaries annually, bringing U.S. and Puerto Rico churches together with partners in 76 countries in cutting-edge ministries that tell the good news of Jesus Christ while meeting human needs.