International Ministries


September 30, 2001 Journal

Yes, there was a battle fought, along the bend of the Congo River in this city of Kisangani and its surrounding health zones. The city was under siege for six days while each army, encamped on opposite sides of the city, lobbed bombs and shells against each other, causing 10 times more civilian deaths than military (800) and leaving thousands of injured persons in their wake, many of whom remain in the hospital today. They spared not a single neighborhood or building. The enemy, it appears, won the battle and brought with it much despair and suffering. Our American Baptist Churches and partners at home are waging another battle, however, and recovery and hope are on the way. Ultimately, the victory is the Lord’s. We are blessed to be able to respond to such needs in this vast country of Congo, and to have the chance to proclaim the unchanging promises of Christ despite the shifting sands of our world … all because of Him!