International Ministries

Thankful For God’s Provisions

September 10, 2002 Journal

Greetings to our American Baptist Churches!

We are thankful for God's provisions and blessings this past year, as we have been able to carry out our work in safety and in good health.The end of the war in neighboring Angola and openness of the new Congolese government has brought stability to Western Congo where our American Baptist missionaries reside. Church and foreign assistance to combat hunger and disease in this largest and poorest of Central African nations has made a tangible difference in the lives of many.We ask however for continued prayer for the entire nation of Congo and its current struggles; particularly in rebel-held territory.

The situation in Eastern Congo continues to deteriorate and presents challenges for our ministry and work in that vast area.From the eruption of the volcano in Goma in January to failed peace talks and renewed fighting, the local population has continued to suffer and bare the consequences of unimagined tragedies this past year.The civilian death toll from lack of food, water and medical supplies alone continues to escalate.It is estimated that over 3000 persons die each day in Eastern Congo (close to the number lost in the Sept 11th tragedies); mainly women and children, all related to the conflict in Eastern Congo.While we endeavor as a church to provide support and relief; the obstacles we face are enormous.A month ago soldiers looted a years' supply of medicine we provided to a hospital in the rain forests south of Kisangani; 2 weeks ago, a pilot bringing in relief supplies to a neighboring health zone was shot and killed upon takeoff by rebel soldiers, this past weekend we received radio reports from an associate mission hospital in Northeastern Congo that soldiers had overrun the gates and had massacred over a hundred men, women and children; many lying in their hospital beds, in a Christian institution where they came for relief.

It would be easy to be afraid; easier to be discouraged.But God has called us to Congo to be "peacemakers, providers of relief and compassion, and bearers of the Good News" in a land desperately in need of all three.Our calling to serve has not changed nor our commitment to remain and make a difference, in the name of Christ.

We thank our churches for their prayers, which cover our every journey in and out of these areas of conflict.We thank you for your support of the World Mission Offering, which enables our family to live and serve in Congo faithful to the work which God, has given us.

May the Lord enable us together, to be a light in a somber world and a beacon of hope to a people desperately in need of peace, comfort, and relief and the good news of a future far better than they could ever imagine, because of Christ.

In the name of Jesus,

Bill and Ann Clemmer

American Baptist Missionaries


Democratic Republic of Congo