International Ministries

Ministry On A Daily Basis

January 29, 2003 Journal
The Clemmer family in Kinshasa (January 2003)

Hello friends,

Here is an update of our work….and current prayer requests,

Bill is currently co-managing a church based relief project in Congo aimed at bringing relief to war-torn areas and assisting over 12 million displaced or impoverished Congolese citizens.With support from USAID and the World Bank, the Christian based "SANRU Project" is currently among the largest health project in Congo and one of a handful that is rendering assistance on both fronts of the war.During 2002, aside from rebuilding hospitals, health clinics and re-establishing primary preventative care programs such as nutrition, vaccination, pre-natal and child health; the project came to the relief of hundreds of thousands of persons displaced from natural disaster (such as the Goma Volcano) and civil unrest(Nyankunde massacre and refugee settings).This has given Bill and his colleagues from the Christian Church in Congo not only a chance to render desperately needed medical care; but to minister and serve in the name of the only one who can bring peace, restore health, and offer everlasting life and eternal peace…Jesus Christ.

Ann is teaching (history and geography) at the American School of Kinshasa (TASOK) where all our American Baptist MKs* attend.She is also involved with the administration of the school, recently spearheading the effort for TASOK's successful five-year re-accreditation as well as curriculum development and staff building.The TASOK board of directors, which she presides, has been given the mandate to reestablish both the school's reputation and fiscal balance after a decade of crisis in Congo including 4 total student and staff evacuations and several closures of the school.Her most refreshing moments are the one-on-one and relationship building with students from over 30 countries and as many language groups.

Our four children:Jasmine (age 16), Eli (age 15), Joel (age 12) and Cassie (age 9) are looking forward to another year in Congo…in fact they have now spent more time in Congo …than in any other place in their lives.

Prayer requests for this New Year.

Bill and Ann Clemmer
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo