International Ministries

We have Witnessed God’s Provision and Protection

January 17, 2005 Journal
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"Those who see God's hand in everything can best leave everything in God's hand."

Life in the Congo is anything but dull.We have had our share of upheavals this past year from coup attempts and rioting in the streets of Kinshasa to renewed rebel fighting in the eastern part of the country. Throughout every challenge we are reminded that God has called us to this place for a purpose. We have witnessed God's provision and protection time and time again in both significant and seemingly insignificant situations. Over the last few months we have been reminded of God's abiding presence even in the daily events of our lives:

A few weeks ago, while driving into town with our daughter, Cassie, our jeep broke down in a bad location at an inopportune time. The jeep stalled in the middle of the street right next to a car whose gas tank had just exploded. A large crowd of at least a hundred spectators had gathered to watch the burning vehicle which was sending tall flames and black smoke into the sky.The explosion, a not uncommon event in Kinshasa traffic, was likely caused by a leaky gas tank ignited by sparks from a padless set of brakes. The growing crowd, largely unemployed and restless young men, started jeering and pounding on our doors and windows as we sat, unable to restart our jeep to maneuver it past the burning vehicle.At the moment the crowd posed more of a threat than the flame-engulfed vehicle.Suddenly a large woman in the bright yellow and blue uniform of the Congolese traffic police came up to our car and enlisted several in the crowd to push us off the road. She then stood there silently as the others backed away. She remained next to our jeep for some time to make sure we were not bothered by the crowd. When Bill arrived fifteen minutes later, I turned my head and the woman was gone. Bill later looked for her in the crowd to thank her…… but she had disappeared. He went up to another police woman directing traffic away from the now smoldering car….but it was not her. She told Bill that said she was the only police woman on duty that morning.

A week later, early one Saturday morning, our son, Eli, and I had just parked the car and were walking along the main road to an English Language Institute where Eli was to take his SAT tests. Rarely do I carry a bag, but today I had a straw bag containing a hard backed book to read while waiting. As we were walking along I was suddenly struck where the bag was perched, nearly knocking me over. Turning around I saw that a large rock had hit my bag.Then I saw the person who had thrown it, a "fou" (a demented man) was getting ready to hurl another large rock at us. We ran and entered the building just in time. I was not even bruised….and Eli, who remained nonplussed by the whole situation, proceeded to sit down and take his SATs like nothing had happened.

Our daughter Cassie loves horses. One amazing gift we have been able to give her is riding lessons at a Belgian stable next to where we live. She was in a jumping competition with other children from Africa and Europe in November and was quite excited. She is a very good rider and was disappointed when, during the competition, the horse refused twice to jump over the bars on the second jump, disqualifying her from the event. Shortly after dismounting from the horse, Cassie realized that the stirrup was broken. A coincidence? I doubt it. If she had been mid-jump when the stirrup broke through, she could have been seriously injured.

And in the same month…..Cassie and I were standing outside of the Grand Hotel on our way to a birthday party for one of the girls in her class. Suddenly, as we began to cross the street, soldiers carrying shoulder-to-air missiles, and machine guns hoisted by their side swarmed in and surrounded us.Two jeeps,full of more soldiers with guns pointed, whirled in front of us……we had no idea what was going on! As it turns out, an African Head of State had just exited the hotel and was getting into the waiting car. He was so close I could have reached out and touched him. Normally, no one would be allowed near a president without being thrown to the ground or hand cuffed……. but, it was as if we were invisible to the contingent of soldiers creating a buffer around him.As they scanned the horizon for threats….not even one gave us a glance!Sounds unbelievable? It is!

We have the assurance that we are being faithfully prayed for continually back home. Never has a mail pouch arrived without a note saying, "We pray for your safety", some even on a daily basis. We know that God hears your prayers, and that our lives are in His hands. He has kept us safe and well in the Congo...and sends at times angels, even in the guise of the ‘blue and yellow uniform of a Congolese policewoman' to protect us.

Psalm 91:9-11 "If you make the Most High your dwelling-- even the Lord, who is my refuge---then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."

Ann H. Clemmer