International Ministries

Spiritual Renewal

November 30, 2001 Journal

As some of you already know, we left Cambodia in June and are now in Pennsylvania on home assignment. Our last year in Cambodia was a difficult one, and we left for the U.S. feeling somewhat discouraged, depressed (especially me), and a bit worn out – physically and spiritually.

Some of you may remember us sharing about Pastor Sok. He has been a good and strong leader in the church, bold and true in his faith. And the Lord has worked wonderfully through him. Yet, in the past year, Sok has, at least in our opinion, become increasingly autocratic, judgmental, legalistic, and at times prideful and arrogant. Growth in the church stagnated. Many members felt continually condemned by the pastor. Sermon after sermon Sok would harangue everyone, often shouting, that they had failed miserably in faith and action. While perhaps theologically and technically correct, the message they were hearing was that they would never be good enough for God to love them. The gospel of salvation and grace was being lost.

Deb and I decided we should speak to Sok about the change we saw in him. As expected he was defensive and angry. Though my own relationship with him was still polite and friendly, it did cool. I was confident that we had done what the Lord wanted, but the results were painful to me (perhaps to Sok also). We had so often supported and prayed for each other.

While Deb and I looked forward to our upcoming trip home, we dreaded having to visit churches. I didn’t feel like I had anything positive to share. We knew we needed rest, but much more than just rest. I felt a real need for spiritual renewal and a need to draw closer to God. I had some baggage that I needed to unload. We asked the Lord to make our home assignment a time of renewal and growth for us. Plus, we asked him if He could work out all the details--finding us a good place to live, good schools for our kids, and a car.

And God has been so good. He knows just when we need picking up. Before we returned home, Debbie’s parents told us that their immediate next-door neighbor approached them and asked them if their daughter would like to rent their house. This neighbor planned to move soon, and said he did not want to rent to anyone else. Living next door to Debbie’s parents has been an ideal situation. The house is not too big, not too small, and much more than we had hoped. We have baby-sitters right next door, the kids love running over to see their grandparents and we think the grandparents enjoy them, too (most of the time!). And, then, when we left Cambodia for the States, we stopped in Thailand to get our medical check-ups. The day after we arrived in Thailand, my brother called to tell me that my dad had been trying to contact us. He said his neighbor, a retired ABC pastor, wanted to loan us his minivan for the entire time we were home in the states! And those answers were only the beginning!

Not only have we found this outpouring of God’s graciousness overwhelming, but it has convinced me that He will deal with our other greater needs, too, according to His will. We are feeling very pampered and cared for, and enjoying our stay at home. We have even found our visits with churches to be encouraging and something to look forward to - not to dread. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for us. We highly value your prayers, and they are being answered.