International Ministries

By God’s Grace

May 4, 2003 Journal

Thanks to all of you who have prayed about the meeting with the government health clinic.The meeting did occur.And to our pleasant surprise, after several questions of clarification, the entire staff agreed to our proposal.The director whom we thought might be opposed literally took a back seat and let all his underlings speak first.His attitude and posture indicated to us that he was willing to give up some of his administrative tasks for a little awhile.

We must be honest though and say our joy was almost immediately tempered. As soon as we realized they were going to agree, we began fully realizing that the government's acceptance of our proposal will mean a great deal of work and responsibility for us, particularly for Deb.We have less than one month to find and train staff to perform all the tasks that we will now be responsible for.Debbie of course will now have to sharply increase her time at the clinic.We'd like for Debbie to have some help.After all, she is not a physician, though she will be forced to make physician-level decisions daily.We are hoping we can find some physicians in Cambodia who might be visit periodically.But what can we say.We asked for it.

Actually, it is not a done deal yet.The district and province will also need to approve the project.But we certainly are not going to push this idea or try to sell it.We're simply going to present it.If they like it, fine.If they don't, fine.All in all, we're thankful for God's answer. Now if he'll just send us some help and lots of wisdom.Don't stop praying yet.

There have been a few developments with Pastor Sok and the church situation. I hope to write another journal on that situation in a short while.Thanks again to all of you for your prayers.

John and Debbie, in Cambodia, and only by God's Grace