International Ministries

What’s Next?

May 26, 2003 Journal

We cannot thank you all enough.So many of you are praying for us and for the church here.May God continue to be faithful.Thank you for your faithfulness.I apologize for not answering any of you individually.I still feel rather consumed with the situation here.

Mr. Bot, the assistant pastor agreed to talk with me two days ago.I felt we had a very good talk.I didn't mention Ray or the false teaching.I decided to focus on Bot's understanding of the Gospel.I asked him if he were to die tomorrow and met God, did he think he would be granted entry into God's house.Yes.I then asked what reason would God let him in.I don't usually use this approach but wanted Bot to articulate clearly his reasoning.Right down the line, he answered a "works" theology.He said he had believed in God a long time, he follows God, he usually obeys his commands and does what is good.He said he wasn't perfect but that in general he did what God wanted him to do.

Then I asked him if he thought God would let me in and why.He replied immediately, "of course, you do so much good."Bot has a rather naive view of me.Nevertheless, I had my answer.I told Bot gently and firmly that he was quite wrong.I spent a long time talking about sin and how we were both barred from God's presence because of our sin and our dirtiness, because God is so completely holy and perfect.That we'd never be able to become clean enough for God our way.Then, reading with Bot through many passages, I tried to show how Jesus had taken his and my sin on himself and died with it, washing Bot and me clean with his own blood.That God now saw us as clean and righteous, only because God had accepted his own perfect son's life as a substitute.

We did a lot of role-playing.I told him to pretend he was God and that he had just killed his favorite son (I know he has one) to pay for people's sins.Then I kneeled down on the floor in front of him and asked him to let me in his house - that I had sinned but not really too badly, I had tried hard to be good, made up for my sins, and that it wasn't really necessary for his son to die for me (certainly for others, but not me).I asked him, then, if that made him mad?He said yes and would not let me in to his house.I tried a couple of other scenarios.In the end, I dared to hope that he was beginning to understand.He listened intently, wrote down every scripture passage I read so he could study at home.It was clear that despite knowing the story of the cross, he had never understood it.Please pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal the truth to him.

While I was upbeat about Bot's response, I must confess I feel so very foolish.How many years and how many people in the church do not understand the Gospel?And I supposedly helped lead Bot to the Lord.How could I have been so blind?I've been suspicious, but have generally assumed that Pastor Sok and Bot and many others understood the Gospel.Instead it has been belief (the harder we believe the more good we'll be and the more likely we'll be accepted), but not grace.I've been a pathetic missionary.God must be very patient.

I had another teaching lesson with my staff yesterday, which seemed to go well.We focused on God as Creator, his sovereignty, his perfection and holiness.I was encouraged by people's response.They are eager to learn and understand.Several have commented how much they are learning.Last week, to counteract Ray's teaching, we did a lesson on the cross, with lots of role-playing (to off-set my inadequate language).Several have commented recently how much more they understand Jesus' death.I was encouraged.

Despite Pastor Sok laying hard into many of our staff, accusing them of not following God's teaching (his), and following the teaching of a man (me), only two have stopped attending these teaching sessions.I've talked with many of them alone, telling them I knew Sok was angry with them and I would not be upset with them if they stopped attending.One said he wanted to attend but was too afraid of Pastor Sok, but nearly all said they wanted to continue.I'm grateful to God for this encouragement.

What's next?Deb and I both think the next best step is for me to sit down with Sok again, if he'll agree.I have talked with him about many issues and while I've hinted or spoken indirectly several times, I've not spoken directly and clearly to him about what I think are three very serious problems with his leadership:pride, leading the church by man's power, and often invoking God's name for questionable personal commands.I dislike such discussions, certainly do not look forward to this one, but believe this is the next step to take.

Please pray for this meeting.Pray that I'll be gentle and loving, yet truthful and bold.

In His service,

John Coats