International Ministries

Our Actions Say Much More Than Our Words

June 19, 2003 Journal

Please continue to pray for Mr. Bot.He is struggling.

Last Sunday he did not present his document to Pastor Sok and the congregation as he had intended.When I talked with him the day after the service, he said that Sok gave a very good sermon and had a much better attitude, and that he didn't feel led to present it now and probably not later either, implying there was peace again.I asked him if Sok had retracted or apologized for any of his past behavior and teachings.Bot replied immediately "no, as long as I've known the pastor, he's never apologized or admitted any error" and said he did not expect that to change now.I told Bot that if Sok was really changing his attitude, that was wonderful.But I said I had to be doubtful that there had been or could be any genuine change without there being admission of error and some humility.

I spoke how much God loved King David, not because he was such a righteous man, but because he put God first in his life and when he sinned he repented and was truly sorry.I told Bot I didn't see how the church could grow unless the core problem of Sok's pride did not change.

I was rather discouraged most of this week.I suspected Bot had either rationalized Sok's behavior to take the easy way out, or perhaps worse, Sok had become more astute, changing his public behavior enough to make people feel things were okay now, but really there had been little genuine change. Pastor Sok had just returned from visiting his supervisor in the city, the man who has become close to Ray, the cult leader.I suspect he had been coached to soften his public image.How could there be growth without change, I groaned to myself all week.

After talking to a few other people who were at the service, it appears true that Pastor Sok's tone was milder than the past several weeks, but no less severe than before then.It also seems clear that the basic problem of pride and absolute control are unchanged.His speech and tone was still harsh and controlling.He was still critical of those who studied the Bible.He made no statements reflecting remorse or acknowledgement of error or humility.In a reference to me, he stated publicly, "before I was angry with Mr. John because God wanted me to be angry with him, but now I am not because God no longer wants me to be angry with him."My own cynical interpretation is that he wishes to change past unpopular behavior, yet justify his past behavior.I could only conclude that Bot probably had been overly optimistic, perhaps to avoid any confrontation.

Yesterday I reluctantly went to see Bot again.I was feeling less hopeful that Bot could change, but felt I should talk to him again.I simply started asking him questions.Did he think the dreams were from God?YES. Why did he think God sent the dreams?GOD WANTED HIM TO TALK TO SOK.Did he think Sok had changed?NO.Before I could continue, Bot said he had been comparing himself to Jonah, running away from God's directives, and said he believed God still wanted him to talk to Pastor Sok.He said he believed God sent the robbers, both as a strong warning but also to show Bot he could protect and take care of him.

I told Bot that the day after we talked (3 days ago), I was reading Ezekiel 13.I explained that I was reading through the Bible and that was the passage I had reached on that day.I read him verse 10,

"...they [prophets] lead my people astray, saying, 'Peace', when there is no peace, and ... when a flimsy wall is built, they cover it with whitewash,"

I admitted to Bot that when I read Ezekiel 13, I thought of this church, the many silent people, myself, and especially Mr. Bot, who had told me he believes God wants him to speak out, but just a few days ago was telling me peace has returned and now there was no need.We spoke for awhile longer, and Bot said he wanted to pray.We did.I told Bot repeatedly that my main purpose was to encourage him to be obedient to God and seek out God's will for him in this situation, not to suggest or direct his next move.I also discouraged him from fighting my battles.He is somewhat defensive for me because of the way Sok has spoken of me.I told Bot that I did not go to talk to him to get him to defend me.I reminded him he is a pastor and his primary responsibility is to God and to God's sheep, not me.

Please continue to pray for Bot.Though I was somewhat encouraged by our talk, I honestly do not know what he will do, nor of course do I know God's plans.Our actions say much more than our words.