International Ministries

The Blessing of Clean Water

May 13, 2009 Journal
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The Blessing of Clean Water to an Akha Village in northern Thailand

Everyone deserves clean water.  We take it for granted . You turn on the faucet and out it comes pretty much everywhere in the US -- clean, beautiful water. However, in the north of Thailand and in Akha villages there are often problems with water. Sometimes the water source dries up, which is most often a mountain stream and sometimes
there are unknown problems such as at the village of A Do. Actually, many of the pipes  which supply the village with water broke and the water was leaking out. Usually in an Akha village, one delivers water to a village by going to a higher steam and running plastic pipes to a  lower place which is the village.

So, we had to find the leak and replace the pipes. Working with the Akha Foundation, an NGO in the north, that is one of our ministry partners; we went to work with the villagers trying to help with this essential need.

The Akha are really experts in the jungle. They can work with bamboo and a machete to do many projects. The Akha were able to find the broken pipe in the jungle and replace it. Then we were able to see the water arrive at the village. This was a joy for all. I have included a picture of the house where we stayed and a typical meal.  Also,
this village has a filter at its base. This is a plus because increasingly there is a need for filters.

I have to give thanks to the folks at the First Baptist Church of Boulder, Colorado for their help in funding this project. Last year, our family had the chance to visit the Denver area and talk about some of our work with the Akha people. One of needs that we presented at that time had to do with helping with clean water in Akha villages. In the
near future, I hope to post some reports of two other water projects that I have been working on.

In His Service,

Chuck and Ruth Fox