International Ministries


October 4, 2009 Journal
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People in El Salvador deal with pretty tough financial situations every single day. At times it seems like the mighty $ or lack there of drives everything here. Yes, we use US$ in El Salvador.

Earlier this week I was stewing over a personal financial issue that had raised its unwanted head for the umpteenth time. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out where the resources would come from. Out of sheer frustration I thought about sharing my challenge with a Salvadoran friend, but stopped short when I remembered that the roof of her house partially collapsed last week. They are waiting to fix it until they save enough for a new roof.

Your World Mission Offering  (WMO) gifts have enabled this individual to continue leadership studies this year. Gracias!

While I was still gripping tightly to my own financial problem, I made a call to a pastor friend here in El Salvador. I only called to say “hi” but ended listening to an avalanche of frustration and exhaustion. My friend has been pastoring full time for the past year without salary. The church doesn’t have the ability to pay the pastor. My friend is praying for clarity in the next few months as to whether to continue in full-time ministry or switch to bi-vocational ministry.

Your WMO gifts have supported small development projects initiated by this congregation. Gracias!

On Saturday I went to a ministerial council meeting in San Salvador. The key topic: advocating for social security and pensions for pastors to be paid by the local church. At least 50% of the pastors represented serve in churches that can’t even give a monthly offering to support the pastor, much less pay social security and pension package.

Your WMO gifts have provided small offerings for pastors of small churches who can’t fully support a pastor. Gracias!

The list of financial problems alone goes on and on in this country. When I went to bed on Sat. night, I realized that my problem is relatively unimportant. It doesn’t affect my ability to put food on the table, it will not force me to leave this ministry that I am so excited to be starting.

Your WMO gifts have provided a solid roof over my head and ministry funds during my first months of service in El Salvador. Gracias!

Thank you for what you have already given. Thank you for your gifts to the 2009 World Mission Offering.  Thank you for your solidarity in the midst of the overwhelming financial challenges of ministry in El Salvador.