International Ministries

You can make a dream come true

May 12, 2013 Journal
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You’ve probably already heard.

You’ve probably already read.

But, just in case you haven’t….

For a limited time only, your individual gifts towards missionary support could be matched dollar-for-dollar by International Ministries!

In Cuba they have a saying, “if you can dream it, you can do it”. Here is one dream that, without you, I cannot reach. My dream is for the first time ever, to meet 100% of my missionary support goal. This covers my basic expenses a missionary serving Cuba and supporting ministries in El Salvador and Latin America.

If you’re a details person like me, you may have some questions about this dream of mine. Hopefully the info below will be helpful. If you decide to give, PLEASE click here for all the details on how to get your gift matched.

Does Kim really need more support?

Yes indeed! It would be a dream come true to actually reach the support goal that has been set before me. I have several thousand $$ to go before I reach my annual goal.

Why should I give, I already pray and read her updates?

Your gift given during the matching campaign (May 1-June 30 only) makes DOUBLE the dent in reaching that annual support goal. These gifts allow me to continue in the ministry that is part of making so many others’ dreams come true in Cuba and throughout Latin America.

I’m already giving regularly, what difference will one extra gift make?

You regular supporters are doing a great job offering steady support for my ministry. Unfortunately, even with so many generous individuals and churches, my monthly regular support falls short of my monthly goal by more than $500. Extra gifts made by you (with DOUBLE the impact) help make up the difference.

Can I give through my local church?

Unfortunately, you cannot. However, you can guarantee that your church receives mission giving credit by providing your church’s information when you call, mail your check, or make an online gift to International Ministries.

Thank you for considering making a matching gift to International Ministries missionaries between today and June 30th. Remember to READ all the details HERE on how to make your gift. Questions? Email me or contact International Ministries.

With deepest gratitude,
