International Ministries

We’re thankful for...

November 24, 2009 Journal
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As I reflect on the ministry I am privileged to serve in, there are many, many things to be thankful for.  To list them all would be impossible.  So I will share just one...

A few weeks ago, I was privileged to attend the wedding of one of our graduate girls.  It was a beautiful ceremony.  The bride herself sang a song of worship to the Lord.  The groom could not stop beaming with joy.  

Larissa* is 20 years old and has a 9-year-old daughter, evidence of her stolen childhood.  She came to Hope at the age of 12, already tired with life, broken, and wanting something more.  She is now married to a wonderful, godly young man whose love for her was written in his ear-to-ear smile on their wedding day.  They are both working, involved in their church, and committed to the Lord.  Together, they are raising Larissa's daughter in a home that knows the love of God. 

So this Thanksgiving, it is Larissa that I am thankful for.  I am thankful that she no longer is bound in a life destroyed by sin.  I am thankful that she knows the love of the Father.  I am thankful that her daughter will know His love.  And I am thankful that she is just one of many, many girls that have received the transformational hope of Christ.

*The name has been changed, but the story is true.