International Ministries

Martin’s Prayer and Praise January 2010

January 16, 2010 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry

Well, let us join the group and tell you how crazy our Christmas was.  An invitation to give a talk on the history and beliefs of Christianity at a local school set things off and we were able to turn it into a gospel presentation as that is the heart of Christianity.  They also wanted us to talk about ceremonies so talks on the history and background of Christmas and Easter as well as baptism and communion enabled us to flesh it out.

Christmas events galore

We had fun and fellowship with both missionaries and local believers.  Events at 3 schools and 4 parties enabled us to give gospel presentations 10 different times.  Responses were mixed but some indicated that the message was getting across and there is hope for future follow up.  Lots of games were played, presents exchanged, food consumed and generally a good time was had by all.

December was a great month with 2 teams giving us extra energy for our Christmas events.  One from the USA and one from Australia brought different styles and ideas but both added to the fun of the activities.  And it continues.  We will continue on and do the gospel presentation in the guise of Christmas on into the first week of January as well. 
Hospital trips providing new opportunities to touch lives.

We learned a new word recently, ‘Peritoneal dialysis’.  Maa is doing this type of dialysis in his home but had no “clean” area.  He has to repeat the procedure 4 times a day so this has cut into his chances to earn a living.  The public health department approached us and the community was willing to help with the construction if we paid for materials.  Maa had a high set house and we bricked in a small room and put in windows, door, sink, ceiling, floor and a light, giving him a clean private area.

Left over rock and sand, was bagged and hauled over to  Ou-ee Pao’s house and we were able to build a ramp for her wheelchair.  God has shown us many people that he loves and cares about and with your help we have been able to help them. 

 And strangely enough a quiet day over the New Years weekend to catch up and rest.  We trust that in the busyness of the holiday season that you had time to reflect on the goodness of the Lord, in the gift that was and is Jesus.

Larry and Jan

Prayer points
• Praise God for the many opportunities we have had to share the good news in both word and deed over the last few weeks
• Pray that the Holy Spirit will use these to stir people hearts towards Jesus.
• Pray for Larry, Muana, Michael and Paul as they meet with others this week to discuss ministry and methods.
• Praise God for our leadership training day  It went well!  Pray for the next one.
• Praise God that Nuek, Long and Inn were all able to share in giving the gospel presentations at events over the Christmas period.
• Praise God for the opportunity to share in the school at their invitation and for the opportunity to go through the materials with one of the teachers.
• Pray that we might be able to use the materials we produced at other schools in the area.

• Praise God for the teams that have been here recently.  Their energy and enthusiasm was a real bonus.
• Pray that they will have a new vision for God’s world. Pray too for the team that joins us later this month.
• Pray for our support levels.  We just made our budget last year by a few dollars and the goal is higher this year.  Thank you for your continued support and please pray with us that our goals will be met.

Upcoming dates

• 11-15 Jan.  The men folk are all in meetings in Chiang Mai

• 22 Jan. meetings in Chiang Mai

• 27 Jan. Leadership Training - here in Ban Luang.

• 28 Jan. – a team arrives.