International Ministries

April Prayer and Praise

April 18, 2010 Journal
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Dear Partners in ministry:

The following are the Prayer points from our last letter:
• Pray for Michael and Julia, Josiah and Tillie, giving thanks for their willingness to stand in the gap and asking God to give them peace, strength and wisdom.

• Pray for Inn, giving thanks for her ability and willingness.  Pray for good health for her and an ability to share what she knows about Jesus with others.

• Pray for Bua Goa and Yot,  that they will continue to grow in Christ.

• Pray for the fellowship in Ban Sra under Muana and Villy’s leading.  Pray that the emerging leaders will develop in their abilities to teach.

• Pray for us as we visit churches and try to meet our new support figure.

Thank you for continuing to pray for the ministry there and watching God work through his people.  Here are some updates.

Michael and Julia have been doing good things, and God has been blessing their efforts.  They have been busier than busy.  Julia has taken moms and kids into a center where the moms have been taught how to care for their kids with disabilities.  Michael and his dad, who is visiting for a while, have been making equipment for these kids.  They have started this year's fish projects and are getting ready for a frog project or two.  God has used this family in amazing ways as they continue to be faithful to his calling and leading.

Inn has been blest with better health over the past few weeks.  Just before we left, a visiting doctor suggested some dietary changes, and these seem to have been beneficial, so she is raring to go.  And going she is—with Michael’s help she is getting over to Yot and Bua Gao’s on a weekly basis. She is enjoying the teaching and a new sense of self worth.   John 10:10b—“My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”  Michael also takes her to visit Ba Bun, and the two ladies enjoy a chat. Inn has been using the opportunity to share about Jesus.

Yot and Bua Gao are being taught on a weekly basis and seem to be encouraged by having Inn both visiting and teaching.  Sometimes it is one, sometimes both of them, as Yot often has to go out to find dinner in the forest.  They have decided to raise frogs this year.

Muana and Villy are doing well.  They had a leadership training day earlier this month.  The Smiths both took part in that, too, and things went well.  They taught on the New Testament, leadership, and teaching skills.  More training sessions are planned for the future.

We have been visiting churches in Australia and have enjoyed telling folk firsthand about what God has been doing in Thailand.  As we speak in churches, we are hoping to raise our support to a level that will allow us to return to Thailand on June 2.

While we are away from Thailand right now, we, too, are watching the television reports of the problems in Bangkok.  We were surprised to hear that some people had been shot, because Thais are generally very easy going. 

The Thai New Year (April 13-15) passed quietly this year.  We went away for a few days with Jan’s parents and spent a lazy couple days at the beach watching the waves roll in—a good time to reflect on God’s goodness and power and the continuousness of it. We hope that you find moments to appreciate God in new ways.  

In Christ,

Larry and Jan