International Ministries

Home Again

June 14, 2010 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry,
The Travelers Return
Here we are back in Thailand.  It is good to be back.  We were home for just two nights; then we had to go to a conference.  The three days we were home we were able to get the house in some sort of order.  Michael and Julia had already had it cleaned, and made up the bed.   We found Inn and Yot and Bua Gaew well and growing in their understanding of the Lord.
We stayed in Bangkok one night, and were able to see some of the aftermath of the recent civil unrest.  Things seemed quiet; signs of the recent fighting could be seen only in the shells of burnt buildings.  Everything else had been quickly restored. 
Always Looking for Work
Our neighbors seemed glad to have us back. A lot of the ladies were very happy because we have a small income-generating project for them.  The weather continues to be weird, and everyone is hoping for rain so they can plant corn, the main cash crop in the area.  So when we said we needed 18,000 ribbon flowers made, they were delighted.  We distributed ribbon before we went to the conference and have been counting in flowers since we got home.  The order should keep ten to twelve ladies busy for a couple of weeks.
The Cat Stayed and the Rats Played
Rats have had a heyday while we were away:  they got into our desk and took out our stationery, they chewed out all the wiring in our washing machine (fixed locally with same-day service), and—wait for this—chewed extensively on our toilet seats.  Spot, the cat, is in the sin bin.
Our lives, like your lives, are busy.  Our prayer for all of us is that in the business we know the power and presence of Jesus and that those whom we rub shoulders with see Him in us.
With love,
Jan and Larry

Prayer and Praise

Upcoming dates
June 23—Kids go to Chiang Mai for therapy
June 24—Jan goes to Bangkok for a meeting