International Ministries

New Hope for a Young Man

March 20, 2011 Journal
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Doni lives on the same street as the graduate church, New Hope Evangelical Community.  For years, he has been lost in the world of drugs.  He would often say he wanted out, wanted to get clean.  But nothing ever happened.  His parents passed away some time ago, and his siblings had given up him already.  As far as they were concerned, there was no hope for Doni - he would always be addicted and enslaved to drugs.  Tired of hearing him say he wanted to change but seeing no fruit, his siblings would often call Pastor Derli and Denise, hoping they would take him off their hands.  Many times, Doni called them directly, telling them he wanted to get clean.  They were able to admit him to a rehabilitation house last year, but he didn't finish the program and returned to his life of drugs.  Not long after, he had hit rock bottom, and called Pastor Derli for the last time.  "I need to go to rehab.  I've made my decision.  I am determined."   He finished out the program, and due to his good behavior he was even appointed as the house monitor for the last month of his stay.  Yesterday, March 20, 2011, he gave his testimony at the New Hope graduate church, just one week after leaving rehab.  He shared that the place that he used drugs for the very first time was the same place he met Jesus.  He sang many worship songs, and is so happy to be a part of the congregation.  

Doni is one of the first fruits since the graduate church moved to their new building.  Jonatas, husband of Hope graduate Damiana, lives at the church and is a very active part of the congregation.  Jonatas and Doni have been friends for a very long time.  Before Jonatas came to the Lord, the two used drugs together.  Today they praise God together, and we believe that they will be used in great ways in the evangelization of the neighborhood, where many of their friends continue as slaves to their addictions.  New Hope has arrived in that neighborhood, and we pray that it spreads like wildfire! 

(Doni is wearing a white shirt in the photo.  He is approximately 22 years old.  Please excuse the poor quality of the photo - the only camera available at service last night was a phone camera!)