International Ministries

More answers to prayer

June 14, 2011 Journal
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In Jerusalem, Samaria and San Marcos de Terrazu our Baptist partners are planting churches! Last weekend Mylinda and Sarah Nash (volunteer from Olympia, WA) went to visit a mission church restart with leadership from the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Aserri.  Mylinda and Sarah were blessed by the beauty of the surroundings and by the privilege of sharing the Lord's Supper with this small flock of disciples.  Sarah's Spanish is improving too.  Pray for Pastor Erik as he continues to lead and reach out to the community.

Candles are catching fire!  In our last journal we asked you to pray for buyers for the candles made by the women of the Butterfly Transformation Center.   The other day we went out and presented the candles to two separate locations, a florist and a Butterfly Garden with a souvenir shop. The souvenir shop agreed to sell on consignment and promote the project with the visiting tours and the florist ordered 15 candles for July. The best part was watching the women shine as they explained their project and heard the accolades of the interested buyers. Makes all of the hard, sweltering work worth it to see the growth and confidence of these women. 

New Seminary Leadership!  Pastor and Professor Ruth Vindas began her new ministry as rectora (director) of the Baptist Seminary here in San Jose.  I (Gary) am delighted to be part of a leadership team with this very gifted woman.  We went without a director for 8 months, and we have lots of work ahead.  Ruth was formerly part of IM missionary Ruth Mooney's curriculum writing team.  She's a writer, a pastor, a mother, and a breath of fresh air for the seminary.

 Jamie and Micah just finished their junior years (Jamie-college, Micah-high school) and look forward to being big shot seniors.  Being parents of seniors makes us sound old, but proud.

 Headed to the Island of Enchantment.  We hope to see many of you at the Big 'ol ABCUSA biennial gathering in Puerto Rico.  Catching up with friends and worshipping with a few thousand believers is bound to lift our spirits.  Plus, some people often confuse Costa Rica and Puerto Rico, so it will help us clarify that. 

Thanks for your prayers,
