International Ministries

The Good, Good News

August 15, 2011 Journal
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"Does he not leave the 99 in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?  And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders...and calls his friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep!" 

I always love to share good news about what God is doing in Costa Rica.  I love reading great news about what God is doing with and through our International Ministries colleagues. I'm inspired by their creativity, their courage, and their service. 

Sometimes what we have to share isn't as dramatic.  Not all of our days are filled with victory and breakthroughs.  When I was a pastor my ministry stories never felt quite as holy or inspiring as mission stories.  It seemed that God was more active overseas, or that at least it was easier to see results.  But what I've come to realize is that our struggle and our discouragements are part of the deal, whether we do ministry in Costa Rica, Congo, or California. Lately we have seen good stuff happen, but we've also had our share of setbacks, church politics, human frailty, conflict, bruised egos and frustration. 

 The temptation is not to mention it, maybe because we find it embarrassing or uninspiring.  Maybe we pressure ourselves to be upbeat, to hold your interest, and to keep your prayers and support coming in.   But what we have found with so many of you is that you want to hear about, and somehow share with us, our discouragements, and maybe even our failures.  Most of you know church and ministry well enough to know that things don't always work, that all of us who comprise the church have our less than shining moments, that we and our partners sometimes stumble.  You also know that faithfulness is more important and more real than constant victory.  I think we all know that the key to the Christian life is taking the next step forward, even when we're not sure we can.

 Just to clarify, there is no crisis or scandal to which I'm referring.  Rather, I'm talking about how we keep moving in the face of fatigue, frailty, and the limits or our humanity.

 I write these things convinced that most of you get it, that you understand, and that you walk with us.  I write these things because even though we don't always see the results we might like, Jesus is still Lord and He is still present. 

 The Alajuelita construction project has been a long haul, ten years long.  It has been a battle of building permits, design changes, pastoral changes, relational challenges and other factors.   It has been blessed by several work groups and volunteers and is finally seeing that the end is in sight.   But just recently the church had a celebration that makes the entire struggle worthwhile. 

Sister Sandra's father Rigoberto is in his 70s, but he's energetic and his smile lights up the room. Rigoberto’s wife, Flor, along with Sandra and much of the family, have been praying for Rigoberto for years because he wanted little to do with the church or the faith.  But in the last year or so he began to attend church and to listen to the message.  The Spirit was moving and in a visit from Pastor Olman, Rigo declared a decision to follow Christ in baptism.  Needless to say, there was much rejoicing.

 The baptism was at the home of a family member and the pool/pond in which it took place had been built by Rigoberto himself.  He came up from the water flashing that joyful smile and giving sloppy, wet hugs to everyone. 

 One of those building project volunteers, Steve, was privileged to stay with Rigo and Flor and I know he'll smile when he sees the photos.  I don't know if it was the building project that drew Rigo to the church, but something moved him, and now all those volunteers who met him can rejoice with him.

 Ten years is a long time.  But the years that Flor spent praying for her husband are much longer.  We will dedicate the building in November, but the rejoicing in Alajuelita, the United States, and heaven, has already begun.