International Ministries

Dreams Do Come True

February 6, 2012 Journal
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Dear Partners in Christ,

The new year is a time when we reflect on the past, and we often have official reports to write to see if we are on target with goals, and so on.  Sometimes we just reflect on the goodness of the Lord, seeing how He is bringing to reality the things He has called us to.

A Dream comes true.

About two years ago Jan was talking with the hospital staff about getting all the families of kids with handicaps together, but we couldn’t figure out a place we could use that had appropriate facilities, so the idea was shelved.

This year, around Children’s Day, the idea was broached again, and now the hospital has a new room downstairs with a handicapped toilet nearby. Less than a week later we had eleven families with their children all in one room, playing games, getting dental checks, eating, sharing experiences, and discussing the idea of forming a support group.  The kids all got presents for Children’s Day. The moms expressed gratitude, some saying that this was the first time their children had been to such a function, part of life for most kids here.  Jesus loves kids, and I was able to express that to the families and the hospital staff.

Dreams really do come true.

Our colleagues at B Sra are moving on, but as they go they are leaving behind two house churches.  Exciting stuff!  Over the years we have been training local leaders for this time, and in a simple Northern Thai style ceremony, the mantle was passed.   Nuek and Long are now the official leaders in the group, and we will encourage them from here. The house churches were also offered to God, declaring them as identities in the community before the mayor of the area.  It was an exciting and touching time.

Our prayer for you is that you see God working in you and through you to bring His blessings to the world around you. Thank you for your partnership. We trust that you, too, can join in our praises to God for His faithfulness.

Love in Christ,

Larry and Jan

Things happening in February

• February 10—Jan has a meeting in Chiang Mai
• February 13—Larry has a meeting in Bangkok
• February 21—Larry has a meeting in Bangkok
• February 25—Video team from IM comes
• Regular involvement in local schools, visitation, and Bible studies.

Prayer and praise

• Praise God for Muana and Villy’s ministry among us over the past years.  Pray for them as they travel on home assignment and then return to a new ministry in Chiang Mai later this year.

• Praise God for the fellowships in B Sra.  Pray for a growing dependence on God at this time.  Pray especially for Long and Nuek as they lead these groups.  Pray, too, for wisdom for us as we encourage from a distance.

• Praise God for the Dreams he gives us and the joy we receive as they come true. Pray that a support group for the kids with disabilities will eventuate.

• Praise God for Yot and Bua Geaw as they grow in their faith. Pray for wisdom as we seek to form a home group around them.

• Pray for the people with income-generating projects—that they will see the goodness of the Lord.

• Thank God with us for the many people who partner with us to see His Kingdom come.

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