International Ministries

Love in Action: Winter in the Balkans

February 15, 2012 Journal
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The Lord provide flour and oil. (I.Kings 17:16)


Broken chains

‘Record-ever’ snowfall cut many homes off, in Bosnia last week. Elderly struggle for survival, with over 50% unemployment winters are especially hard to make ends meet. I just returned yesterday after a 1500 miles trip driving almost continuously through fairly severe snowy conditions and extreme colds (-8 F/ -22 C) action compelled by love for Christ. Snow-suitable tires were at times not sufficient, and snow-chains had to be put on and off regularly. Even with snow-chains we got stuck several times, and at one point, one of these chains broke. We had just crossed a town, that heavy snow-plows had given road access again for the first time in more than half a week and we were stuck now, out at a more rural hill-side.


Moslem hospitality

Thanks to God, He provided helpful passing-by pedestrians, and a hospitable local (Muslim) family in the mountain side village, who helped get both the car rolling again and the snow-chain repaired too. Also, they invited our Christian charity team, consisting of volunteers from the US, a Baptist pastor from Sarajevo, local Baptists, and myself, in their house to warm up, and have coffee and tea. (Moslems helping Christians succeed in providing humanitarian aid, an unexpected form of genuine ‘love in action’ to us in which we thankfully saw the hand of the Lord). The house was well-kept and a wood-burning Kitchen-oven kept the one room cozy warm. We exchanged presents (a home-made delicacy from their side and a nice box of chocolates, that I had brought from Prague  from our side), and continued our way just before dark. 


Grenades for living

Mostly, we visited single Elderly women, who had no one to provide for them. It is particularly hard for them, to make ends meet this winter. They face shortages of wood for the furnace/ stove, and food on the table. Thanks to the love of most of you, (who are reading this), International Ministries was able to help this year with an initiative of the Baptist Union in Sarajevo, enabling them, to reach out to those in need. We pray for them for ways out of poverty, and are thankful for one of the ladies, who started selling products she had sewed herself, and now she was putting ‘love in action’ as she was training other ladies sewing, to help supporting themselves. With joy I learned a local factory had been started up again after more than a decade, providing a full time job to a person who traveled with us, it would give her the common salary of 300 Km/ monthly ($200), great to helping to survive the winter, but insufficient to move out of poverty. However, my initial joy turned into mixed feelings when I learned that it was a grenade- factory (reminding of the double layers of trouble we face in this world). 


Flour and oil

The next day, one of the persons, we visited was Saliha, who is retired, her husband died, and her son became unemployed through the war nearly 20 years ago, unable to find work in a society where less than half of the men are able to find work. The food we brought was critically welcome, and we fell embarrassed that she still wanted to honor her guests with the best she had left. With the food we brought came a 12 pound flour bag and quart of oil. We saw how she used her flour and oil to bake bread, in the Kitchen stove, which double-functioned to keep the room/ house warm. We were happy that because of this ‘love in action’ (made possible by many of you), this help-package her flour and oil did not run out. It reminded me of the situation with Elijah I.Kings 17:16, and the widow at Zarephath, trusting God to provide when necessary. 


Seeds for future providence

I was deeply impressed and encouraged by Bob, one of our volunteers in
Sarajevo, whom God has given a heart for the Balkan. Since the recent Balkan-wars, He has made several trips to this priority mission-field, and needy part of the world. This time he showed ‘love in action’ by giving seminars. Seminars on how to get out of the unemployment cycle, how to start a small business. I was encouraged by his dedication and pray that the seeds he planted in the hearts of the participants will bear fruit in their lives and for the region. Haris, one of the participants, considers a bi-vocational future, in which self-employment may help him realize his dream to become a missionary out of Bosnia. I also pray that Bob may return to the Balkan area soon, for a longer time and offer the workshops in more towns, at an easier accessible season of the year. ‘Love in action’ to help people to build their future. 


Thank you for your ‘love in action’ and making also this ministry possible through your prayers and financial support. 


Greetings from Prague, 

The Lord Bless You, 


Nora & Pieter Kalkman