International Ministries

Before We Even Asked!

February 18, 2012 Journal
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Many of you know that Bill and I are serving in South Sudan, and have recently moved into a room of our own after living in a tent, refurbished container, etc. It is not fancy, not big, but provides most of what we need as we live and work in this new country. Even in such surroundings, we are conscious that we have so much more than others in this place.  

One amenity lacking in this hot and austere climate was a means to exercise and stay healthy. Not that either of us are into any heavy routine, but we used to love to ride bikes, or even walk on a daily basis when in the Congo. Due to security issues in Juba where we live, as well as the 102 degree plus temperatures and blowing dust and sand, we just couldn’t come up with a way to get out and exercise. It is a common issue for those who come here from other countries.  When talking with a younger colleague, he told us that his solution was that he was going to buy a jump rope and use it in his room.

Well, I doubt anyone reading this can picture Bill and me jumping rope in our 12 x 14ft. room (we can’t either) so we simply were at a loss for what to do.

But…wait……a simple human need (not just a want)…..and we had completely left God out of it. What were we thinking? Doesn’t the Bible say in James 5:11 that “God cares down to the last detail”?

The following week, our staff was clearing out a warehouse that had been rented in Juba to store medicines and supplies. There…in the very back…. in a damaged and bent box….was……an exercise bicycle! In South Sudan!! Why should I be surprised? The Bible says in Matthew 6:8 “For your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” How many times in our lives do we leave God out of the picture? Let us always remember the words in James 5:11, “God cares down to the last detail.”

Psalm 139:4 NIV "Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD.”