International Ministries

Fellowship groups are happening

March 31, 2012 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry:

Here we are moving into the hottest time of the year.  We hit 104 degrees a few weeks back, but since then it has cooled to a more palatable 100 degrees.  This is the time of year we get up early and do “desk” work.  The fields are now dry and vacant, waiting for the rains to come so they can be planted with rice and corn.  Our farmer friends are working but at a slower pace, and the school year is over.

Same, same but different

Yes, they are both chicken eggs, maybe from the one chicken, but they are different.    It may be a bit like your church and ours being different.  They both serve the same function of bringing people closer to God, but they look different.  Our service is on Saturday evening at 7:00.  Yours is most certainly bigger. But we suspect there are other differences too.  As we hand over the leadership of the church to national leaders, they are changing things a little.  We still sit on the floor in a circle to worship, and we still chant, but we are now doing a lot of “repeat after me” on the readings and chants to further help those who can’t read participate more fully.  We still go over and teach on occasion and take the opportunity to teach some of the local kids about Jesus at a different venue.

The second fellowship is different also.  It meets on Monday evenings at 8 p.m.  The group is very chatty and likes to talk about almost anything.  Long is the main teacher, with Lamoot giving assistance.  Anna goes over occasionally to support and encourage.

The third fellowship is one couple that Larry teaches on a weekly basis.  Occasionally others drop in and listen to the stories and ask to be prayed for.  All different, but worshiping God and bringing people closer to Him.

(By the way, the eggs are from an income-generating project.  Normally they weigh in at 2-2.3 ounces, but the big one is a massive 3.5 ounces! I guess that makes it a heavyweight!)

School’s out, therapy is in

We helped the sixth-grade classes celebrate by providing cakes for the class parties—a big hit. We have some extra time to visit, and Jan has been able to take some of the kids with disabilities to the education center in town.  The center now has a physiotherapist, and he was able to give our four kids a good workout. He also made suggestions for ongoing therapy and care and for some new equipment: wedges.

To buy the equipment readymade is expensive, but a friend made the frames, and we were able to get them padded and covered at a reasonable price.  One of the moms has made some other equipment to go with the wedge and has her kids using it daily.  Another mom was encouraged and adjusted an old piece of equipment and bought it back into use. I hope to be able to take the kids in a couple more times each during the holidays.  We are expecting to have our own therapist in May, because Frances will be with us as a volunteer for five months.   This will be great!  No long trips in the car! No carsick moms! We will be able to include others in the program, both young and old.

We pray that you are being encouraged in your life and ministry.  Thank you for your partnership through prayer, financial support, emails and letters   It greatly encourages us.

Yours in Christ’s love,

Larry and Jan

Prayer Points

• Praise God for the church of God and its diversity. 

• Praise God for Nuek and Long and their sensitivity to the needs of their people.  Pray for them as they develop in their new role.

• Praise God for the encouragement the moms of the kids with disabilities have received, and pray for them as they care for their children.

• Pray, too, that they will see something of Jesus as we visit and encourage.

• Pray for Thailand and safety in travel in this month.  Hundreds of people die in road accidents each year as people travel for the Songkrarn holidays.  It is also a time of parties and blessing. 

• Pray that we will be channels of God’s blessing.

Things happening this month
• April 9-10   Trip to Chiang Mai to say farewell to Lyn and Lee
• April 13-15 is Songkrarn, aka the “Thai New Year,” aka “The World’s Biggest Water Fight.”

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