International Ministries

Refreshment from the Lord

April 30, 2012 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry,


Recently it has been unbearably hot, some afternoons the heat seems to slow the body and the brain.  We get up early and do as much as we can, then we often have had to force ourselves out in the afternoons. But then, some days it rains and in 15 minutes 108 degrees becomes 77 and both body and brain spring back to life. It reminds me of times when life seems hard and Jesus reaches in and refreshes and gives us strength and purpose again.


Nong Name is 15 and severely handicapped.  He has had no dental care and now he has a mouthful of rotting teeth that are paining him. He cries a lot. The local dentist has referred him to the provincial hospital in Nan who in turn referred him to Chiang Mai. The parents can’t afford to go and after 2 months of crying and interrupted sleep for the family, they approached us and asked if we can help with transport. They are encouraged that Jan will take him to Chiang Mai.


One of our desires is to see the downtrodden in our community, lifted up, resourced and helped to have better quality of life. We are in contact with the public health department locally and whenever we have the opportunity we speak to this.


This morning I (Jan) spent the morning with hospital staff and a team from the provincial hospital.  Our local doctor spoke passionately about the needs of the patients here and we discussed a team from the provincial hospital coming and assessing the patients, young and old in our area, looking to the future and the possible appointment of a therapist here in Ban Luang. We thank God for this step forward.


As a result, on May 31 – June 2, a team of 20 therapists and people from social services will come to Ban Luang. They will break up into at least 5 groups and visit patients in their homes. We will help with transportation and introductions. It is a small beginning but from small things big things can grow.


We trust that you enjoy those special times of refreshment from our Lord too.


In Christ,


Jan and Larry


Prayer points:




On the Move



                         Larry has a meeting in Bangkok