International Ministries

Learning to Walk

October 7, 2012 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry:

What makes you smile? We’ve had a couple of things happen that have put smiles on our faces recently and want to share them with you, our partners.

Walking and leaping and praising God! (Acts 3:8b)
This is the verse I thought of when I was at Mae Gunha’s this morning. Mae Gunha is a lady in her early 50’s.  A few months ago she could hardly get around. Now she is saying how she likes to go and visit her sisters in neighboring houses. She still needs a stick but she is so much better than before. She is walking but not leaping. She is, however, praising God and attributing her newfound strength and ability to Him.  Frances and I have been praying with her, and a couple of weeks ago she told us, “I have been praying to God and I’m getting better.” I have started teaching her how the God of Jesus is different from all the other things she may call god. The God of Jesus is the creator God, and He wants to be in a relationship with us, with her, and with her family. She had a big grin on her face when I told her God is delighted when we pray, like she is delighted when her own kids call home.

Walking—the name of the game.

From Mae Gunha’s Frances and I walked up the hill and met Larry at Lung Ngeun’s. Lung Ngeun walked fifteen yards punctuated by rest stops and aided by a stick and two people, but he walked. Big deal? Yes, it is. It is the first time he has walked anywhere in two years.  Having the physiotherapist here has helped a lot of people.  Neighbors were there to egg him on. He was excited. We are praying with his family too. Pray that they will open their hearts and see God’s care for them.

New experiences
Larry and two of the house church leaders, Nuek and Long, went to a leadership training seminar. It was the first time they had ever been to such an event, and they enjoyed being with other believers and sharing their story. They got to participate in some evangelism, watch baptisms, and join in worship. It was a day’s drive each way, and they stopped to check out some waterfalls and other sites along the way. The long drive home was a good time to process what they had seen and learned and to consider what is appropriate for our group.

Just for fun
Yes, we like to have a break and a rest, too. One of the blessings of having volunteers is that we get to show them “tourist” Thailand. Recently we went away for a night to a nearby city and found a market, a lake, and a waterfall. The market was fun, with all sorts of goodies to eat. Crickets were declined.

Again we want to thank you for your partnership and pray that you, too, are having reasons to smile.

In Christ’s love,

Jan and Larry

Prayer points

• Praise God for the trip to the seminar, safety in travel, fun times, the opportunity to hear what other churches are doing, and the exposure to new ideas. Pray for discernment in deciding what we should use in our situation.

• Praise God for the doors into people’s homes, for improved health, ability, and hope.

• Praise God for people being introduced to Jesus. Pray for Mae Gunha as she learns of Jesus.

• Please pray for Frances as she prepares to return to Australia and looks to what God has for her in the future. She has made her mark here, giving freely of her expertise, talents, and herself over these few months.


• October 8           Larry has a meeting in Bangkok.
• October 16-18   Meetings in Bangkok
• October 19         Frances flies back to Tasmania.
• October 20-24    Conference in Chiang Rai