International Ministries

Cuba Hurricane Update

October 28, 2012 Journal
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Dear friends and Cuba supporters,


As the East Coast prepares to wait out the extreme winds and anticipated flooding that Hurricane Sandy is likely to bring, thousands of families in eastern Cuba are only beginning to take stock of the disaster left by Sandy. While disaster preparedness was good before the storm hit, the infrastructure of homes, offices, and streets, was simply not enough to withstand the 110 mph winds, incessant rains, and flooding. Many families and businesses have been left without roofs, walls, and electricity is not expected to return to Santiago de Cuba (the second largest city in Cuba) for at least 2 weeks, if not a month. In general, the news that I have received has not been good, please keep the citizens of Eastern Cuba, particularly Santiago de Cuba in your prayers.


This week I, along with a team of individuals from several Baptist organizations, will discuss for ways to support immediate disaster relief as well as long-term rebuilding in Cuba as well as in other Caribbean islands that are also recovering from the aftermath of Sandy.


On Wednesday, if Sandy has completed its tour of the Northeast and flights are back on schedule, I’ll be heading to western Cuba. Please pray for travel safety and for opportunities to offer encouragement and support to folks in the eastern part of the country.

To send relief to the people of Cuba and elsewhere in the Caribbean that were affected by Hurricane Sandy, click here.

To read additional journals and news stories about the devastation in the Caribbean, click here.


With you on the journey,
