International Ministries

Empowering People

November 1, 2012 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry,

Sometimes I sit down to write to you and keep you updated, and I think, Wow not much happened this month! But when we really look back we can see that God has been at work and we have too.

Goodbye, Frances.
Frances has returned to Australia, but her influence will live on. She gave crash therapy courses to each of us here so we can continue to help folk in positive ways. We had fun making new equipment out of PVC pipe, inner tubes, rubber bands and wood scraps. It is good to see these things in use, helping people.

No one home!
We went to visit Mae Gunha a few days before Frances left, only to find she was out! She had gone to town! After being house bound for two years, she is now confident enough to leave the house and go shopping in the city. Better still, she is learning about Jesus and praying.

What does this mean?
Larry’s friend, Tong, is a believer and—different from most of the other believers around here—he is literate and is reading his way through the New Testament. His interest in the teachings in Romans and some of the cultural things in Corinthians is keeping Larry on his toes, and he is enjoying the challenge of explaining some of these things to Tong.

Empowering people!
We had a training day at the beginning of the month with the folk from Ban Sra. Our focus was sharing our faith and reaching out to family and neighbors. It was a good day, and everyone got involved in discussion times and the practical sessions. We invited Mae Un to come along for the first time. She attends the Monday night fellowship and seems to have potential to help lead the group. She fit in well.

On the road
October is school holiday time, so it seems to be a good time to have meetings and conferences. We both attended the biennial meeting of the national church group that provides our visas. Then after being home for one night we were off to our Annual Mission Conference. Both meetings gave us opportunity to catch up with old friends, and the latter provided us with some good biblical teaching and a chance to relax. 

On a personal note—and because we like to brag!
After the conference we spent a day on a nearby mountain and saw over forty different birds, with seven new additions to our Thailand list.

So looking back it was a busy month and a great month to have shared with Jesus and with you, our partners. We pray that you feel His real presence in your life, too.

Together in Jesus,

Larry and Jan

Prayer and praise

• Praise God for Frances.  Pray for her as she settles back into Australia.

• Praise God for Mae Gunha and Tong as they both learn new things about Jesus.

• Praise God for the leadership training day.  Pray that there will be opportunities for more times like this. Pray for Mae Un as she looks toward taking a leadership role.

• Pray for us as we visit and share with people. May we be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit while we share with them.

• Pray for the fellowship at Ban Sra as they plan ways to share Jesus with their community over the Christmas period.

• Pray for us as we fit in the “therapy” visits around our teaching and other visiting schedules.


• November 10-13   Larry will attend a meeting  
                                  in Bangkok.
• November 21       Larry will attend a meeting
                                  in Bangkok.
• November 23-27   We will host a mission                           
                                   awareness team.
• November 30   We will both attend a meeting in Chiang Mai of
                                   people reaching out to the Northern Thai.