International Ministries

It's Teaming

December 13, 2012 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry,


It’s teeming!


We were having unseasonal rain right at the wrong time, and our farmer neighbors were frustrated in their efforts to bring the rice in as the skies opened. Not only was it wet; when it wasn’t raining it was hot, most unusual for November. Now in the middle of December it has finally cooled down a little, but the rains still threaten.


It’s teaming!


We have just had a visit from two mission exposure teams, and next month another group will arrive. Teams get to share in our life here. They teach. They farm. They help exercise people with disabilities. They sit on the floor and eat rice with their hands. They learn. They encourage and bless us. Thank you!


It’s teaming!


While teams are with us they often comment on how well we—the team here—work together. And we Praise God for our team members Anna, Dema and Carolyn and the way we have separate ministries but are able to help one another and stand in the gap when needed.


Teaming up


The education department is planning to start a small center here for kids with disabilities and learning difficulties. The school for kids with disabilities in the city has sent two young women out here to look for a suitable site, but because of their age they felt unable to approach the local administrators. I (Jan) am helping to introduce them to people here and get the ball rolling. We are looking at teaming up with the local government clinic that has some spare rooms that may be available. If this happens it will be much easier for families here to avail themselves of help for their kids.


Teaming with you!


When we think about teams we think about you, too.  We are very grateful for the wider team God has given us and for the way we are sustained by your prayers and support.


Seeds planted are sprouting


Inn’s mom fell and broke her leg. We served as the ambulance to get her to the local hospital. After she had been in traction for a couple of days, it was decided that an operation to pin the bone would be the best treatment for her. While in the hospital, she was asking for Jesus to help her. We praise God that she had heard the message when we shared with Inn and is now calling on Him in time of need. She is home again and is recovering.


Loi Gratong was last month—the day locals float their sins away on small floats made from banana stalks, leaves and flowers. Boyfriends and girlfriends may send a float down the river to see how long the float floats; this is supposed to give them an idea of how long they will be an item. Traditionally prayers of confession are said to the spirit of the river and forgiveness is asked for. This festival gives us opportunity to talk about the true forgiveness that we find in Jesus.


We are grateful that Christmas is around the corner and we can see that God has forgiven us totally and is inviting us to be part of not his team but his family through the gift of Jesus. We pray that you will have a blessed Christmas and will enjoy the family that God has given you.


In Christ’s love,


Jan and Larry


Myth busters


While they are here, teams usually notice that roosters crow whenever, day and night, and crowing only at dawn is an urban myth (or is it a rural myth?). Anyway we sleep through it, so we have to take their word for it.


Prayer points


Pray for our neighbors, that their rice crop will be sufficient for the next year.


Pray for teams that visit, that they will be challenged as they see God at work here in Thailand.


Pray for the setting up of a center for kids with learning difficulties/physical disabilities.


Pray for our Christmas outreach/celebrations. We will do events in our house churches, schools, and homes.


Meetings and events


December 17-18 Larry has meetings in Bangkok


December  22      Christmas Evangelism at one of the house churches.