International Ministries

Praise God it's started

April 28, 2013 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry,

Well, all good things must come to an end, and our time of being cool in the States and cold in Korea was quickly brought to an end by the reality of 106o weather the day we got home. It is good to be home, and we have seen God do great things since our return. I want to mention two of them in this letter.

We’re the rural cluster and we’re a team.
In Ban Luang we work together with Anna, and Dema and Carolyn. It has been our desire for a long time to see a house church open here, but we couldn’t seem to get it together. On April 26, thanks to your prayers and the working of the Holy Spirit, we had our first house church meeting here in Ban Luang. We carefully selected and invited four people, all of whom have started a journey with Jesus. Three came, one cancelled at the last minute, and another came in her place.

We ate dinner seated on the floor and then sat on chairs in a circle for the rest of our activities. (Dema and Carolyn organized this part.) The service was a little different from what you may experience. We started with hangman—using two statements bringing out the theme of the evening. (Jan) Then we broke into two groups and raced to finish jigsaws of a picture that illustrated the story. (Larry)

Then, when everyone was interested in the topic, we read the scriptures, and Anna led an inductive Bible study around Jesus having power over demons. Everyone participated, referring to the open Bibles on their laps. We finished with prayer, and everyone said they would like to come back next week. Yes!

We’re a team and we’re family.
At our recent team meeting (a joint meeting of the urban and rural clusters) Dema and Carolyn expressed frustration with home schooling their children. Now that Daniel (5) has started school, too, it means they have to juggle two kids on different levels as well as their other commitments. Anna, Larry and I all said we would help and have put aside time to help release Carolyn, who does most of the teaching. We were all blown away when Julia, from the urban cluster, an ex home-schooler, rang a few days later and said she was coming for a week to teach the kids and help Carolyn figure out the curriculum. It is great to be part of God’s caring family and His team.

Thank you for being part of the team too. We know many of you were with us in prayer on the 26th and ask that you continue with us while this new house church is established.

In Jesus and for His Kingdom,

Larry and Jan

       Prayer points

• For the Ban Luang Friday evening house church, that it would become a regular event in people’s lives and grow both numerically and spiritually

• Pray for Nan Tong, Ba Jop, Po Prakrit and Kru Kaliya that they will want to continue to meet together and grow in their relationship with Jesus. Pray, too, for Tong.  She was unable to attend, because her son was sick.

• House church Ban Sra 1 Saturday evenings

• House Church Ban Sra 2 Monday evenings

• A home school teacher for 2014 and between now and the end of July

• Leadership training in Ban Sra

• Teaching in schools

• Ministry to people with disabilities, and the government workers associated with them

• Visa renewal

                Dates in May

• 2  Meeting in Chiang Mai
• 2,16 and 30 Leadership training Ban Sra
• 4  Saturday school restarts (kid’s program) 
• 16 Schools are back in after the hot season break
• 27  Meeting in Chiang Mai—Jan
• 28  Meeting in Bangkok—Larry
• 29  Visa renewal in Bangkok Larry and Jan
• 30  Meeting in Bangkok—Jan
• Every Friday  House church meeting in Ban Luang!

What are the essentials for a successful Bible study?
Bibles, reading glasses, games, food, the Holy Spirit, prayer power and a sense of working together for God’s glory

Holiday birding highlights: 158 species sighted.
Fun bird fact: The orange flanked blue robin, a rare bird in Thailand and only recently added to our list, is literally everywhere in Korea.