International Ministries

Sharing Life

June 30, 2013 Journal
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Dear Partners in Ministry,

Sometimes your life gets a broadside.
We had been feeling good about life and ministry.  Then Larry’s mom took a turn at a church meeting and within a few hours went to be with the Lord.  We went back to the States for the memorial service, where this godly woman who honored Jesus in her life honored him in death.  Wonderful stories of how she sought to share Jesus in her world were shared, and we laughed and cried with family and friends.  She was a great source of encouragement to us, and we will miss her.  We stayed on for a week to help sort things and take care of her affairs and returned to Thailand and seem to be living in a blur of grief and jet lag.

Again we are grateful for our colleagues, Dema, Carolyn and Anna, who took on some of our work load and for the comfort of family and friends.  We praise God for His faithfulness and know that Mom is secure in Him.

The word goes out.
After the successful pilot program using MP3 players to encourage people in their faith, we were able to purchase more and have started loading programs and distributing them.  After our last newsletter we heard from you of new places to get Northern Thai broadcasts.  Thank you

Sometimes you just gotta get mean.
We were getting a little frustrated with the local hospital keeping their physio busy doing non-physio stuff, so we kidnapped him one afternoon and took him and a masseuse  to see a number of patients that we felt he needed to see.  He was a willing captive and said we should do this every week.  The visit resulted in a new exercise program for Lung Nguen and the placement  of two wheel chairs.

Rat attack.
We got home and quickly needed to get our guest house ready for Sarah, who is here to teach Dema and Carolyn’s children for a month.  A rat had moved into the fridge and had done an amazing job of chewing its way through from the back into both the fridge and freezer compartments.  In our house a rat had birthed ratlets in a cupboard and chewed that up too.  Our new kittens thought the ratlets fun but were too slow to get mom. 

Growing and moving.
The Ban Luang house church is doing well, and Ba Gnoaw came last week.  Currently we are meeting in Dema and Carolyn’s home, but they will go on home assignment at the end of the month, and we want to move the house church to a member’s home.  Please pray with us about this.

Well that’s it for this month, we are grateful for your partnership and for the peace of Jesus that sustains us.  May His peace be your peace.

In Him,

Jan and Larry

Prayer and praise

• Praise God for Larry’s mom—a life well lived for Jesus.

• Pray for the family as they get used to life without her—especially for Ron, Larry’s brother, who has the bulk of the responsibilities with the estate.

• Praise God for the house churches, and pray for their growth and outreach into their communities.

• Praise God for the MP3 players and pray that people will be encouraged in their faith by the programs.

This Month

• July 3 Jan Meeting in BKK

• July 8 Larry Meeting in BKK

• July 4 &18 Leadership training at Ban Sra

• Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays - House church meetings