International Ministries

Our Encouragers

October 23, 2014 Journal
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Denny Jenkins, our ex MPT convener, came to see once more the work of the Holy Spirit in the Atlantic Coast in Nicaragua last month. The Holy Spirit gave us Denny and Joanne from the beginning of our ministry in Nicaragua, as our encouragers, in a time when we did not have too many visitors from the United States and Puerto Rico. We shared with them God's vision for His people of buying a land to build the First Spanish-Speaking Baptist Church (which we started in the veranda of our home for three years), a recreational center, where children, young people and families will come to spend a great time in a safe place, an After School Program, a guest house, etc. When we shared the vision, they saw a great challenge, but we invited them to rise to that challenge by walking with us by faith in God, the one who can accomplish everything by His Word.

Denny and Joanne, who were at that time much younger, embrace the challenge and went home to share the vision with their church and personal friends. Our encouragers, the Jenkins came back to Bluefields, this time with a construction team, to build the basketball court which is a blessing for the community in Bluefields.

Following this further, the Jenkins invited us to their home during our US/PR Assignment. They took us in their yacht for a three-days  trip, teaching us how to be or to kickback in the presence of the Holy Spirit. This was a good way to conclude a five year of mission work and a tremendous way to get re-charged for our next term in Nicaragua. In addition to that, their church became our church. Today, First Baptist of Anacortes is part of our family and our great supporter of what God is doing in our midst. We thank God for that relationship that started with rising to a challenge, which went beyond our thoughts could ever comprehend.

During these 16 years of ministry, we saw the hand of God in many ways by bringing the right people in the right time so He can do what His Word had promised. God did not only allowed us to build a church, a swimming pool, a basketball court where the children would have a safe environment to hear the word of God and also to enjoy their time playing, a Guest House a Day Care, a Retreat Center and a Preschool; but God called the church in Bluefields to rise to the challenge to build two more churches with schools in two different communities, in Kukra Hill and in Rama. More challenges continued to rise, but the Jenkins continued to walk with us along with many other people in the body of Christ, who helped us to continue to rise to the challenge of making disciples to all people that God gives us to accompany during these years. We are all amazed of His grace, who has given us the opportunity to walk in His challenge for His glory.

Moreover, after 16 years of mission work in The Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, Ketly and I realize that it is  time for us to hand over the work to the disciples that were called by the Holy Spirit to accompany us in this endeavor of planting Spanish-Speaking Baptist churches in the Atlantic Coast  of Nicaragua. We thank God again for giving us the opportunity to see our encourager, to be with us, to see his Nicaraguan friends, and also to see the fruits of his labor. We are looking forward to rise to the next challenge in another country that God will send us with International Ministries.

Victor Hugo said, "When I talk about me, I talk about you.” So, when we talk about Denny, we talk about you, who encouraged us through your prayers, work teams and your financial support. Thank you to all of you! We are looking forward to seeing you during our US/PR Assignment next summer.

We love you in Christ,

Vital and Ketly

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