International Ministries

Meeting Myself Coming and Going

July 10, 2015 Journal
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It's been such a whirl wind, I feel like I am meeting myself coming and going. I am excited but I am also overwhelmed by all that has happened since I was endorsed as missionary.  So, what does it mean to be endorsed? Well, it means that I have completed the discernment process which includes extended applications, psychological evaluations and multiple interviews and an identified placement. For me that is the country of Hungary in Eastern Europe. I will serve as a school chaplain in the public school system, K-12. So, yes, I have to learn Hungarian!

 There is so much to do in this preparation stage. Learning Hungarian is only part of the journey it is also important for me to learn the history and culture of these people. My quest to learn began with a visit to the Hungarian Embassy website. To my delight and surprise I found the Hungarian embassy, as part of the European union open house event, would be hosting an open house. Where else was this happening, Yes in Washington, DC! So, here is where I met two Hungarian dogs! The Vizala, is the national dog and the Hun-dog is something they eat... believe it or not.

I am meeting people and telling the story of God's call and inviting partnership in prayer and action daily. I am particularly enjoying getting out speaking - Sunday school classes,  after  church gatherings, small association meetings, a women retreat and I have even made presentation a to a bible study, by Skype. 

As busy as this sounds, my calendar always has space for me to speak to your group!