International Ministries

Learning to Soar

July 29, 2015 Journal
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A few weeks ago, Sarah and I were able to attend our assignment training in Valley Forge, PA as we are preparing to leave for first Costa Rica for language school and then the Dominican Republic to serve as long-term missionaries.  It was a week of great training, fun interactions with home staff, and a time to reflect on our journey to date.  It is amazing to think back four and a half years ago God began speaking to our family about our calling to long-term missions.  The best we can date things, that calling happened first with me in Peru on a short-term trip.  Close to the same time, Sarah, received the same calling thousands of miles away in Ohio.  It took us 14 months to share those callings with each other.  Then a year later our oldest daughter received a similar calling on her life. 

We are so excited to be reaching the end of the initial stage of becoming missionaries.  We were called.  We submitted to the calling and process with International Ministries.  We were endorsed and then appointed as missionaries.  This November, we will be commissioned and we are excited to be looking forward to leaving. In order for us to leave, we need about $50,000 in one-time gifts to cover our startup fees like language school, visas, and all the traveling we have done for raising support and sharing our story.  The initial response has been awesome!  Thank you!

Within the book of Isaiah, there is a passage in chapter 40 verses 27-31 that many of us know.  It is the “rise up on wings as eagles” passage.  Sarah and I reflected on these verse at our training in Valley Forge and shared about how God has moved and worked in our lives over the past two years.

“Why do you complain, Jacob? Why do you say, Israel, ‘My way is hidden from the Lord; my cause is disregarded by my God’?” (Isaiah 40:27 NIV)  This verse spoke to us about how God called us separately and yet as a family.  God drew us together to fulfill his plan for our family.

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.” (v28)  When Sarah and I reflect on God’s timing for us to share what God had laid on our hearts individually we realize it was His perfect timing and not ours.  God knew when the time to move forward with this calling was and laid our steps out before us.

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” (v29) We were so thankful that God brought our children onboard with our calling.  The children took upon themselves to raise some money for cribs for orphan girls in the Dominican Republic after they saw the need.  Last year, at the World Mission Conference, God also provided the friendships and connections to strengthen their understanding of call and what it means to be a kid that happens to live on the mission field with their parents.  God has strengthened them and their vision of the world and their relationship with Him.

When I was in the pastorate, I often worked too hard and got weary.  “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall.” (v30) Both Sarah and I had surgeries this past year and we were slowed down.  God reminded us that we need to find that balance of work and rest that he taught us through Christ’s example with his disciples, the biblical principle of Sabbath rest.  We are being more intentional about resting.

We are now beginning to feel like we are soaring.  “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  Both of our parents have given their blessing to us as we are preparing to leave.  For both Sarah and myself, it was such a blessing and encouragement to hear those words.  A few months ago, I wrote about the frustration and feeling like we are up against a wall.  Today, God has brought us through that period and has helped us reach 100% of our ongoing support and reduced our startup expenses needed to be raised from $140,000 to $50,000!  Our commissioning is set for Nov 15 at FBC Painesville Ohio and our schedule is filled for speaking engagements through the rest of the year. 

Please join us in prayer and praises as we begin to soar like eagles.  Thank you for your prayers and support.  We give God all praise glory and honor.