International Ministries

Love in the midst of Heartache!

October 13, 2015 Journal
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In the midst of blessings there is pain. There is so much tragedy around the globe that I can’t keep up.  Bombings in Ankara, Turkey, murders in a church in Charleston, South Carolina, the persecution of college students grounded enough to say they are “Christian” as they watch the student next to them get shot for declaring the same thing and more shootings of unarmed everyday people than you can “shake a stick at.”  I am overwhelmed with emotion.  I find myself more emotional lately.  It is difficult to celebrate my favorite rugby team the New Zealand Blacks making it to the semi-quarter finals when just above the screen is a video of 86 people being murdered at peaceful rally in Turkey.  How do we say sensitized in a world that promotes de-sensitization through the reoccurrence of unthinkable violence? I pray for your prayers as my heart, as many others, has the compassion to be moved toward the advocacy of peace, healing and righting wrongs. Please pray for the girls that you have decided to bless me to be your “hands and feet” on the ground in Frankadua, Ghana.

I recorded a video outside Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC several weeks after the shooting which took the lives of 9 people serving and worshiping the Lord. Click here to view the video, which is also located on my "Pictures & Video" tab. 

Please become “1 of 100” people, if you haven’t already, that makes the commitment to bring about peace, healing and love to the girls in Ghana who are changing their lives and learning about the grace of the LORD!  Prayfully consider a tax deductible commitment of $13.54 a month for 4 years or $162.48 a year. 

Warmth, gratefulness and gratitude!